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Volume 1 Number 1, Spring 2004, Pages 1-403   

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An Inter-Cultural Approach to Network-Based Language Learning

    Ryoichi Yamamoto

This article, based on an on-going inter-collegiate project in Japan, reports on (1) the design of a collaborative workplace between EFL teachers and JSL (Japanese as a second language) teachers, (2) collaborative styles of learning between Japanese EFL students and Asian JSL international students from Korea, China and Southeast Asian countries using e-mail and an electronic bulletin board system (BBS) for computer mediated communication, and (3) inter-cultural, task-based forms of negotiating meaning, information exchange and building relationships in multi-cultural settings for authentic and autonomous foreign language learning. Findings from the project indicate two learning environments; authentic audience and multi-cultural settings and two important learning strategies; autonomous learning and collaborative learning, all of which suggest the necessity of building up a new paradigm of 'Communication with Language and Technology' for foreign language learning.