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Ethical Guidelines
Chapter 1. General Provisions
Article 1. Purpose
  The Asia TEFL Ethical Guidelines for Research promote integrity and responsible conduct in research and publication for The Journal of Asia TEFL. These guidelines are based on Asia TEFL's Committee on Research Ethics' policies for researchers (authors), editors, and reviewers regarding honesty, accuracy, efficiency, and objectivity in research, manuscript submission, manuscript review, and publication.
Article 2. Application Scope
  These guidelines apply to all research related to Asia TEFL and articles submitted to The Journal of Asia TEFL.
Chapter 2. The Researcher (Author)
Article 1. Acknowledgement of Sources
1) Proper acknowledgement must be given when citing other's work.
2) In the process of writing research proposals or articles, information obtained privately may be used only with permission from the source.
Article 2. Responsibility
  Authors shall be responsible for and recognized only for their own work.
Article 3. Authorship
  Authorship shall be limited to individuals who have made a significant scholarly contribution to the research or reported study. Authors are usually listed in order of importance and relative significance of contribution. Ghostwriting or honorary authorship is a breach of publication ethics.
Article 4. Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publication
  The researcher (author) shall assure that his work is original and should not submit a manuscript that has already been published or submitted elsewhere for publication. However, in special cases, prior publication in another journal of a submitted article may be permitted at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
Article 5. Article Revision
  The researcher (author) must strive to revise their manuscript in accordance with the suggestions provided by the reviewers and/or the Editorial Board. In the event that the researcher (author) disagrees with a requested revision, a rationale must be provided in writing by the researcher (author) for not making the requested change.
Chapter 3. Publications Committee
Article 1. Editorial Decisions
  The Editorial Board makes decisions regarding publication in The Journal of Asia TEFL. In the decision-making process, the Editorial Board must respect the researcher's (author's) integrity as a scholar.
Article 2. Fairness
  The Editorial Board shall review fairly the quality of the manuscript and whether it complies to the submission guidelines and review standards. Manuscripts shall be evaluated objectively without regard to race, gender, age, institutional affiliation, and/or other personal factors. Decisions to accept or reject a manuscript shall be based on importance, originality, clarity, and relevance of the research in the submission.
Article 3. Reviewer Selection
  The Journal Editor-in-Chief shall select reviewers according to the content and scope of the submitted manuscripts, reviewers' area of expertise, and freedom from conflict of interest.
Article 4. Confidentiality
  The Journal Editor-in-Chief is obliged to preserve confidentiality and shall not disclose the contents of the manuscript nor the identity of the author until the final decision to publish a researcher's (author's) submission has been made.
Chapter 4. Reviewers
Article 1. Duties
  Reviewers shall follow the review guidelines, complete the review within the designated time frame, and submit the review to the Journal Editor-in-Chief. In the case that the reviewer feels that they are inadequately qualified to review the assigned manuscript, the reviewer shall notify the editor to excuse themselves from the review process for the manuscript in question.
Article 2. Fairness
  Reviews shall be fair, objective, constructive, timely, and confidential. In the manuscript review process, reviewers shall explain and support their views adequately.
Article 3. Professional Respect and Integrity
  When reviewing manuscripts, reviewers should respect the researcher (author)'s intessgrity as a scholar.
Article 4. Confidentiality
  Manuscripts for review must be treated as confidential documents. Reviewers must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript. The manuscript may not be shown to or discussed with others.
Chapter 5. Committee on Research Ethics (CORE)
Article 1. Organization
1) A Committee on Research Ethics (CORE) under the auspices of Asia TEFL is convened to oversee matters related to ethical standards.
2) CORE is comprised of approximately 20 members and will be governed by a Chair and Secretary.
3) The President of Asia TEFL will serve as CORE Chair. The term for Chair will correspond with the term for President.
4) The Secretary will be nominated by the President from the Asia TEFL Executive Council. The Secretary will be confirmed and appointed by the Council. The term for secretary will correspond with the term for the Council.
Article 2. Duties
  CORE will deliberate matters related to misconduct and will investigate violations of research ethics such as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism and other deviant practices. In the case of a violation, CORE will suggest appropriate punishment or sanctions.
Article 3. Committee Work
1) Meetings will be convened when deemed necessary by the Chair.
2) A quorum must be present for the meeting to be convened. A decision is not valid unless more than half of the members present concur.
Article 4. Cooperation in Investigations
  The researcher (author) should fully cooperate in investigations into ethical breaches of research.
Article 5. Investigation of Misconduct Allegations
  When investigating misconduct and violations of research ethics set forth herein, CORE should give ample opportunity to the researcher (author) to respond to allegations.
Article 6. Retribution and Notification
1) The President of Asia TEFL shall convene a meeting of the Executive Council to decide on the appropriate severity of punishment for a researcher (author) not in compliance with the guidelines set forth herein. Such punishment included but is not limited to withdrawal of the submitted manuscript, publication of a correction, refusal to consider an author's future work, and retraction of a published article.
2) The President shall notify the offender of the punishment, may suspend or strip the offender of membership in Asia TEFL, and may also notify other organizations or individuals of the misconduct.