The Journal of Asia TEFL |
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1) Affective Factor +
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2) Cognitive Factor +
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- 'well thank you David for that question': The Intonation, Pragmatics and Structure of Q&A Sessions in Public Discourses
- A Comparative Analysis of Awareness in Reading L1 and L2 Texts: EFL Thai Students' Strategies Use, Processing Speed and Linguistic Knowledge
- A Comparative Study of Monolingual and Bilingual EFL Learners on Language Learning Strategies Use: A Case of Iranian High School Students
- A Comparative Study of Research Article Discussion Sections of Local and International Applied Linguistic Journals
- A Contextualised Study of EFL Learners' Vocabulary Learning Approaches: Framework, Learner Approach and Degree of Success
- A Corpus-Based Analysis of Discourse Markers in Curriculum-Based English Textbooks and the English Entrance Exam in Taiwan
- A Model of English Teacher Development in Asia Based on Surveys on Teacher Qualifications and Education Programs
- A Quasi-Longitudinal Study on English Learning Motivation and Attitudes: The Case of South Korean Students
- A Study on Oral Presentation Anxiety and Confidence: A Comparison between L1 and L2 Presentations
- A Survey of Engineering Student's Use of English Language Learning Strategies
- An Empirical Study of Differences in the Use of English Vocabulary Learning Strategies
- An Empirical Study on Learning Strategies of Tertiary-level EFL Learners in China
- An Inter-Cultural Approach to Network-Based Language Learning
- Beyond the Mean Differences of the SILL by Gender: Differential Item Functioning
- Bridging the Gap Between Teaching Styles and Learning Styles: A Cross-cultural Perspective
- Chinese College English Learners' Attitudes and Behaviors in Computer-Assisted Autonomous Language Learning
- Chinese Students' Choice of Writing Topics: A Comparison between Their Self-Selected Topics and Writing Prompts in Large-Scale Tests
- Communication Strategy Use and Proficiency Level of ESL Learners
- Corrective Feedback and Learner Uptake in Primary School EFL Classrooms in China
- Creating an Institution-Specific Science and Engineering Academic Word List for University Students
- Cultural Awareness in Teaching English: Analysing Intercultural Communication and Teaching Positive Politeness Strategies
- Demystifying Native Speaker Ideology: The Critical Role of Critical Practice in Language Teacher Education
- Developing an Assessment Tool for the Strategic Competence of Japanese EFL Learners
- Differential Effects of Phonological and Lexicogrammatical Errors on NS and NNS Listeners' Perceptions of Comprehensibility: An Exploratory Study
- Do L2 Proficiency and L1 Reading Strategies Affect Persian EFL Learners' Use of English Reading Strategies? Threshold Hypothesis Revisited
- Do We Reliably Know What EFL Students Like in English Classrooms at University Level?
- Effective Approaches to Teaching Listening: Chinese EFL Teachers' Perspectives
- Effects of L2 Writing Proficiency and Reader Awareness on EFL Students' Writing Product and Process On-Line: Computer-based Observation
- Effects of Listening Strategy Training for EFL Adult Listeners
- Effects of Tasks and Awareness on Oral Imitation Accuracy by Japanese EFL Learners
- EFL Learners' Language Learning Strategy Use as a Predictor for Self-Directed Learning Readiness
- EFL Listeners' Strategy Development and Listening Problems: A Process-Based Study
- English as the Language of Instruction at Secondary Level: Challenges and Pedagogical Implications
- English Literacy Learning as a Socially Situated Practice
- English-medium Instruction in the University Context of Korea: Tradeoff between Teaching Outcomes and Media-initiated University Ranking
- Enhancing Long-term Retention by Memory Vocabulary Learning Strategies
- Equalizing Classroom Participation
- Error Treatment in EFL S-CMC Tasks: An Analysis of Corrective Feedback
- Evaluating the Impact of Oral Test Anxiety and Speaking Strategy Use on Oral English Performance
- Examining a Metacognitive Instruction Model
- Exploring the Effects of Intention-oriented Input-based Instruction in Second Language Pragmatics: A Case of English Request Hedges
- Exploring the Use of Oral-Communication Strategies by (Non)Fluent L2 Speakers
- Feedback and Uptake in Chinese EFL Classrooms: In Search of Instructional Variables
- Flipping a Chinese University EFL Course: What Students and Teachers Think of the Model
- Flipping the Classroom and Tertiary Level EFL Students' Academic Performance and Satisfaction
- Functional Distribution of Lexical Bundle in Native and Non-Native Students' Argumentative Writing
- Gender, Academic Major, and Chinese Students' Use of Language Learning Strategies: Social and Educational Perspectives
- Globalizing ESL Classrooms: The Design Principles of Academic Reading Strategies Instruction for On-Line Adult Learners
- Glossing Mode in Self-regulated Vocabulary Learning, and its Relationship with Gender, Age, and Field of Study
- Hedging Strategies in Health Discourse: A Study of Pharmaceutical Leaflets
- Hong Kong Undergraduate Students' Academic Writing: 21st Century Problems, Solutions and Strategies
- How Do Mainland Chinese Learners of English Use Compensatory Strategies to Aid Communication: A Qualitative Analysis in Three Communicative Environments
- How Newcomer English as Second Language Learners Become Experienced Learners Through Socialization in Classroom Sommunities
- "I only cited some of his words": The dilemma of EFL students and their perceptions of plagiarism in academic writing
- "I think I wanna talk about the reasons why I chose my topic": Discourse Functions of Self-mention in East Asian TESOL Graduate Student Presentations
- Identifying Reading Strategies to Teach Literal, Reorganisation and Inferential Comprehension Questions to ESL Students
- Incidental Vocabulary Learning of Non-English Major Graduates
- Individual Accountability in Cooperative Learning in EFL Classrooms: More Opportunities for Peer Interaction
- Integrating Poetry and Dialogue Journal Writing into EFL Curricula
- Interrelated Influence of Internal and External Factors on Malaysian Learners' Self-concept in Academic Writing
- Investigating College Student Attitudes towards Learning English and their Learning Strategies: Insights from Interviews in Thailand
- Investigating the Effect of Training on Raters' Bias toward Test Takers in Oral Proficiency Assessment: A FACETS Analysis
- Investigating the Impact of Modeling on the Teaching of Process Writing in a Primary Class
- Investigating the Strategic Reading Processes of Readers in Different Cultural Contexts
- Iranian EFL Learners' Pattern of Language Learning Strategy Use
- Is Strategic Competence Teachable?
- Judgments of Intelligibility and Foreign Accent by Listeners of Different Language Backgrounds
- Korean Engineering Professors' Views on English Language Education in Relation to English-Medium Instruction
- Korean Learners' Production of English Sound Contrast: Focusing on Word-Final /?? and /?쳃/
- Language Learning Strategies in Distance English Learning: A Study of Learners at Shantou Radio and Television University, China
- Language Learning Strategies, Multiple Intelligences and Self-Efficacy: Exploring the Links
- Learning and using English at university: Lessons from a longitudinal study in Hong Kong
- Lexical Bundles in the Korean EFL Teacher Talk Corpus: A Comparison Between Non-native and Native English Teachers
- Little Voice : Students' Confidence and Their Responses in English Lessons
- Looking in From Within: Student Diaries as a Bridge to Understanding the Reading Minds
- Mainland Chinese Students' Perceptions of Language, Learning, and Identity in an English Language Teacher Education Program in Hong Kong
- Metastrategies Employed by Science and Engineering EFL Learners in a Speaking Task
- Modelling the Relationship among Prior English Level, Self-efficacy, Critical Thinking, and Strategies in Reading Performance
- On Questionnaire Use in Language Learning Strategies Research
- Overseas Chinese Students' Perceptions of the Influence of English on their Language and Culture
- Pedagogical Practice and Students' Perceived Effectiveness of Web-based Automated Speech Evaluation
- Persistent Monologicality amidst Variation in Teachers' Questioning Practices in Malaysian English Language Classrooms
- Professional Survival in a Neoliberal Age: A Case Study of an EFL Teacher in China
- Profiling Individual Differences of Successful and Unsuccessful L2 Readers
- Science and Engineering Students' Attributions for Success and Failure in the EFL Classroom
- Secondary Teachers' Perception on English Education Policies in Korea
- Strategic Reading Process in Two On-line and Printed Environments
- Strategies for Successful Learning in an English-speaking Environment: Insights from a Case Study
- Students' Objectivity and Perception of Self Assessment in an EFL Classroom
- Successful Strategies: Test-Taking Strategies for the TOEFL
- Task-based Strategy Assessment: The Effect of Task Difficulty on Listening Strategy Use of Advanced EFL Learners
- Teacher Read-Alouds in an ESL Context
- Teaching Creative Writing in English: An Innovative Means of University-level EFL Education
- Teaching Hong Kong L2 Learners Wh-Questions - Using a Learning Study Approach
- The Contributions of Planning, L2 Linguistic Knowledge and Individual Differences to L2 Writing
- The Effect of Note-taking Strategies Instruction on the Students' Academic Achievement
- The Effects of Freewriting Exercises on Adult Korean Students' English Learning
- The Effects of Using English Drama on the Learning of Target Expressions for Primary School Students
- The Influence of Chunking on Reading Comprehension: Investigating the Acquisition of Chunking Skill
- The Interplay of Receiving, Accepting, and Asking for Strokes and Iranian EFL Teachers' Perceived Self-Efficacy
- The Linguistic Pragmatism of Mandarin in Singapore
- The Relationship of Language Learning Strategies and Personality on English Proficiency in Japanese University Students
- The Roles of Phonological Knowledge in L2 Lower Achievers' Reading Development
- Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking in TESOL: East vs. West
- Toward Communicative Competence in the Japanese Context: The Challenges Facing Japanese English Teachers
- Understanding academic identity development in a changing landscape: The case of university English teachers in Malaysia
- Understanding Factors that Influence Chinese English Teachers' Decision to Implement Communicative Activities in Teaching
- Unraveling In-service EFL Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
- Using a Skills Development Course to Foster Teacher Professional Growth
- Using Weblogs to Promote Critical Thinking through Asynchronous Online Discussion
- Which Reading Strategy Is More Helpful for EFL Readers, Using Graphic Organizers or Enhancing Input?
- Why We Do and What We Do: The Experience of Good English Language Learners
- Writing Teacher Views on Teacher Feedback: A Shift from Grammar Corrector to Motivator
3) Language Community/Background/Language Exposure and Context +
Age +
- 'China English': Facts, Fantasies, and Fallacies
- 'Close Your Book and Open Your Facebook': A Case for Extending Classroom Collaborative Activities Online
- 'well thank you David for that question': The Intonation, Pragmatics and Structure of Q&A Sessions in Public Discourses
- A Case Study on Lecture Styles by Native- and Nonnative-English Speaking Instructors in University English Reading Classes
- A Comparative Analysis of Awareness in Reading L1 and L2 Texts: EFL Thai Students' Strategies Use, Processing Speed and Linguistic Knowledge
- A Comparative Study of Lesson Topics in High School Textbooks Used
- A Comparative Study of Metadiscourse Use in Research Articles written by Native and Non-native Speakers: Is Audience Taken into Account?
- A Comparative Study of Monolingual and Bilingual EFL Learners on Language Learning Strategies Use: A Case of Iranian High School Students
- A Comparison of the Roles of Two Teachers in a Team-Teaching Classroom in a Japanese Junior High School
- A Contextualised Study of EFL Learners' Vocabulary Learning Approaches: Framework, Learner Approach and Degree of Success
- A Corpus Analysis of Pedagogical Monologues in a Content-based EFL Context
- A Corpus-Based Analysis of Discourse Markers in Curriculum-Based English Textbooks and the English Entrance Exam in Taiwan
- A Corpus-based Study of the Use of Phrasal Verbs in Korean EFL Students' Writing
- A Critical Look at Authentic Materials
- A Cross-Sectional Contrastive Analysis of Japanese Students' English Composition Skills
- A Non-structured, Empowered and Activity-oriented English Immersion Program in an EFL Setting
- A Paradigm Shift for English Language Teaching in Asia: From Imposition to Accommodation
- A Pedagogical Framework for Content-language Integrated Teaching at Middle School Level
- A Spice of Classroom: Incorporating Proverbial Expressions in EFL Classes
- A Study of Cognitive Level of Bilingual Proficiency: What Makes Balanced Bilinguals?
- A Study on NNS Teachers' Language Awareness
- A Study on Oral Presentation Anxiety and Confidence: A Comparison between L1 and L2 Presentations
- A Survey of Engineering Student's Use of English Language Learning Strategies
- A Tale of Two Curricula
- A Western Researcher in a Japanese University Writing Classroom: Limited or Advantaged? Cultural Sensitivity and the Debate on Japanese Students' Critical Thinking
- Advanced English Conversations for World Games 2009 Textbook: Design and Evaluation
- Age of Exposure, Task Stimulus, and Type of Second Language Knowledge
- Ageism: A Barrier to Plans to Boost Fluency in English?
- An Analysis of Teachers' and Students' Perceptions of Codeswitching in Teaching Science and Mathematics in a Philippine Private High School
- An Analysis of the Relationship between Presence, Consciousness and Performance in Learner-centered Communicative Learning Using SCMC - Experimental Study
- An Analytical Evaluation of Iranian High School ELT Textbooks from 1970 to the Present
- An Empirical Study on Learning Strategies of Tertiary-level EFL Learners in China
- An Evaluation Approach Towards Feedback Improvement in the Context of Initial Teacher Training in ELT
- An Examination of Written Genres in English Language Textbooks in Japan
- An Exploration of Lexical Bundles in Academic Lectures: Examples from Hard and Soft Sciences
- An Exploratory Study of the English Vocabulary Size of Hong Kong Primary and Junior Secondary School Students
- An Instrument for EFL Reading Anxiety: Inventory Construction and Preliminary Validation
- An Inter-Cultural Approach to Network-Based Language Learning
- Are Written Instructions in Learner Materials Always Necessary?
- Assessing the Roles of Metacognitive Knowledge and Vocabulary Size in EFL Reading Comprehension
- Attitudes of Students in the Eight ASEAN Free Flow of Labor Professions towards World Englishes
- Attractive Quality Attributes of English Language Teaching at Two East Asian Universities
- Autonomous English Learning among Postgraduate EFL Learners in China: A Study of Attitudes and Behaviors
- Bangladeshi English Teachers' Perceptions of their Professional Practice
- Beyond the Mean Differences of the SILL by Gender: Differential Item Functioning
- Blogging as Mediated Action in the Development of Two EFL Teachers: An Activity Theory Approach
- Boosting Students' Autonomy as well as Writing Accuracy and Fluency through Journal Writing
- Bridging a Gap between Traditional Instruction and Communicative Language Teaching in a Foreign Language Classroom
- Bridging the Gap Between Teaching Styles and Learning Styles: A Cross-cultural Perspective
- But?쫁hat Will the Students Think? Factors Shaping University English Language Teachers' Decisions to Teach Grammar
- Campus-Network-Based and Computer-Assisted College English Learning System Development in China and A Study of English Language & Culture CAI Matrix
- Challenges in Conducting Classroom-Based Research in EFL Settings
- Chinese College English Learners' Attitudes and Behaviors in Computer-Assisted Autonomous Language Learning
- Chinese Students' Choice of Writing Topics: A Comparison between Their Self-Selected Topics and Writing Prompts in Large-Scale Tests
- Choice in Language: Applications in Text Analysis
- Classroom Negotiation and Learner Participation
- College EFL Learners' Metaphorical Perceptions of English Learning
- Collocation and Idiom Problems in Secondary Pupils' Writing in Brunei Darussalam
- Collocations in High School and Pre-University English Textbooks Versus New Interchange Book Series
- Comparison of Teacher Talk of Korean and Native English-speaking Teachers: On the Efficiency of Delivering Content Knowledge in EFL Contexts
- Competence and Capability: Rethinking the Subject English
- Competence Differences Between Native and Near-Native Speakers: Is Puberty the Cut-off Age for Access to UG?
- Complexity and Systems Theory: Implications for the EFL Teacher/Researcher
- Computer Assisted Language Learning in Pakistan: Teachers' Perspectives
- Considering the Effectiveness of Recasts on Japanese High School Learners' Learning
- Corrective Feedback and Learner Uptake in Primary School EFL Classrooms in China
- Creating an Institution-Specific Science and Engineering Academic Word List for University Students
- Creating In-class Self-directed Learning through Can Do Objectives, Portfolio use, and Formative Assessment
- Creativity and Learners' Performance on Argumentative and Narrative Written Tasks
- Critical Literacy in an EFL Classroom in Vietnam: Agentive Empowerment, Ideological and Language Transformations
- Critical Literacy in the EFL Classroom: Evolving Multiple Perspectives through Learning Tasks
- Cross-border Telecommunication: A Task-based Collaboration at College Level
- Crossing Borders and Negotiating Conflict: Lucian's Story of Teaching English from within in the Singapore Primary Classroom
- Current Trends and Issues in English Language Education in Asia
- Damunwha Students' Funds of Knowledge in English: A Qualitative Case Study in the South Korean Context
- Deconstructing aspects of native speakerism: reflections from inservice teacher education
- Demonstrative NPs and Pronoun it in Chinese L2 Learners' Writing
- Demotivation: Understanding Resistance to English Language Learning - The Case of Vietnamese Students
- Demystifying Native Speaker Ideology: The Critical Role of Critical Practice in Language Teacher Education
- Developing a Listening Comprehension Problem Scale for University Students' Metacognitive Awareness
- Developing an Assessment Tool for the Strategic Competence of Japanese EFL Learners
- Developing Learners' Oral Communicative Language Abilities: A Collaborative Action Research Project in Argentina
- Developing the Message: Thematic Progression and Student Writing
- Dialogic Competence of Primary School English Teachers in Online Peer Coaching: A Case Study in South Korea
- Different Shades of the Collective Way of Thinking: Vietnamese and Chinese International Students' Reflection on Academic Writing
- Differential Effects of Phonological and Lexicogrammatical Errors on NS and NNS Listeners' Perceptions of Comprehensibility: An Exploratory Study
- Digital Semiotics in ESP/EAP Materials Development: The Study of the Effects of DVD Options for Developing Text-Independent Thinking / Reading
- Distraction or Instruction: The Role of Online Interactive Games in a Child's Second Language Acquisition
- Do L2 Proficiency and L1 Reading Strategies Affect Persian EFL Learners' Use of English Reading Strategies? Threshold Hypothesis Revisited
- Do We Reliably Know What EFL Students Like in English Classrooms at University Level?
- Effect of Reading On-line Local Newspapers Headlines on Developing University Students' Reading Skills in English
- Effects of Cognitive Comparison during Focus-on-Form Instruction on Japanese EFL Learners' Acquisition of Grammar*
- Effects of Extensive Reading on Students' Writing Ability in an EFL Class
- Effects of L2 Writing Proficiency and Reader Awareness on EFL Students' Writing Product and Process On-Line: Computer-based Observation
- Effects of Listening Strategy Training for EFL Adult Listeners
- Effects of Massed vs. Distributed Implicit FonF on Receptive Acquisition of L2 Vocabulary Items
- Effects of Task Design on EFL Learners' Written Language Performance
- Effects of Tasks and Awareness on Oral Imitation Accuracy by Japanese EFL Learners
- Effects of Vocabulary Memorizing Tools on L2 Learners' Vocabulary Size
- EFL Communicative Language Teaching within a Framework of Response-Oriented Theory
- EFL Learners' Language Learning Strategy Use as a Predictor for Self-Directed Learning Readiness
- English as a Global Language in China: Deconstructing the Ideological Discourses of English in Language Education
- English as a medium of instruction at tertiary education system in Vietnam
- English as a Medium of Instruction: Challenges for Vietnamese Tertiary Lecturers
- English as an International Language in Asia: Implications for Language Education
- English as the Language of Instruction at Secondary Level: Challenges and Pedagogical Implications
- English Development of Chinese EFL Student Writers from Sophomore to Senior Years
- English for Advocacy Purposes: Critical pedagogy's Contribution to Indonesia
- English Language Attrition in Short Conversation and Passage Listening Comprehension
- English Language Education and Assessment ??Recent Developments in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland
- English Language Education Policy in Asia
- English Language Teaching Today: Linking Theories and Practices
- English Language Teaching Today: Linking Theory and Practice
- English Literacy Learning as a Socially Situated Practice
- English-medium Instruction in the University Context of Korea: Tradeoff between Teaching Outcomes and Media-initiated University Ranking
- Enhancing Critical Language Teacher Development Through Creating Reflective Opportunities
- Equalizing Classroom Participation
- Error Correction in College EFL Writing Instruction: Students' Expectations and Correction Effects
- Error Treatment in EFL S-CMC Tasks: An Analysis of Corrective Feedback
- ESL Teachers' Use of Corrective Feedback and Its Effect on Learners' Uptake
- Evaluating an Academic Writing Course-based on an Integrated Model
- Examining a Metacognitive Instruction Model
- Examining EFL Teachers' Non-verbal Behaviors in English-medium Lessons
- Examining Narratives of Conflict and Agency: Insights into Non-Local English Teacher Identity
- Examining Student Perspectives on the Differences between Native and Non-native Language Teachers
- Exploring Chinese EFL Learners' Receptive and Productive Vocabulary Knowledge: Implications for EFL Vocabulary Teaching
- Exploring EFL Writers' Attitudes towards Reading-to-Write and Writing-Only Test Tasks: A Qualitative Approach
- Exploring Motivational Changes for Short In-class Extensive Reading
- Exploring the Effects of Intention-oriented Input-based Instruction in Second Language Pragmatics: A Case of English Request Hedges
- Exploring the Interplay of Planning Time, Reasoning Demands, and Language Learning Aptitude in Iranian EFL Learners' Written Production
- Factors Affecting Motivation for Short In-class Extensive Reading
- Feedback and Uptake in Chinese EFL Classrooms: In Search of Instructional Variables
- Flipping a Chinese University EFL Course: What Students and Teachers Think of the Model
- Flipping the Classroom and Tertiary Level EFL Students' Academic Performance and Satisfaction
- Foreign Language Anxiety: Understanding Its Sources and Effects from Insiders' Perspectives
- Formal Instruction and the Acquisition of Linguistic Features
- Forms or Meaning? Teachers' Beliefs and Practices Regarding Task-based Language Teaching: A Vietnamese Case Study
- From Communicative Activity to Task: A Short but Significant Journey
- From Ideology to Inquiry: Mediating Asian and Western Values in ELT Practice
- From the State of Motivated to Demotivated: Iranian Military EFL Learners' Motivation Change
- Functional Distribution of Lexical Bundle in Native and Non-Native Students' Argumentative Writing
- Gender, Academic Major, and Chinese Students' Use of Language Learning Strategies: Social and Educational Perspectives
- Gendered Language in the Classroom
- Generational Status: An Ignored Variable in Language Learning Studies?
- Global English and EFL Learners: Implications for Critical Pedagogy
- Globalizing ESL Classrooms: The Design Principles of Academic Reading Strategies Instruction for On-Line Adult Learners
- Glossing Mode in Self-regulated Vocabulary Learning, and its Relationship with Gender, Age, and Field of Study
- Group Formation and Longevity in the Foreign Language Classroom: Students' Views
- Helping Remedial Students Help Themselves: Causal Attribution and Language Proficiency
- Heritage Narratives, Motivation to Learn English and the Development of National Identity: An Indonesian Perspective
- How Do Mainland Chinese Learners of English Use Compensatory Strategies to Aid Communication: A Qualitative Analysis in Three Communicative Environments
- How EFL Teachers Grow: An Explorative Study on Teacher learning in Classroom Teaching
- How Many Words Do You Need to Know to Understand TOEIC, TOEFL & EIKEN? An Examination of Text Coverage and High Frequency Vocabulary
- How Newcomer English as Second Language Learners Become Experienced Learners Through Socialization in Classroom Sommunities
- How Prepared are the Preservice ESL Teachers to Teach: Insights from University Supervisor Feedback
- Identifying Reading Strategies to Teach Literal, Reorganisation and Inferential Comprehension Questions to ESL Students
- Identifying with the L2 Self: Study Abroad Experiences of Japanese English Language Learners
- IELTS Preparation Practices: Argumentative Writing Development
- Impact of Learner-Centeredness on Primary School Teachers: A Case Study in Northeast Thailand
- Implementation of a CLIL-module 'Economics' for English Language Learners in Russia: Results and Challenges
- Importance of Ongoing Motivation for EFL Writers' Performance: Growth Curve Modeling
- Improvement of Listening Comprehension Skills through Shadowing with Difficult Materials
- Incidental Vocabulary Learning of Non-English Major Graduates
- Incidental Vocabulary Learning Through Extensive Reading: A Case of Lower-level EFL Taiwanese Learners
- incorporating Compulsory Military Service in English Education in Taiwan: issues of Teacher Recruitment in EFL context
- Incorporating Rich Vocabulary Instruction into a Language Classroom
- Individual Accountability in Cooperative Learning in EFL Classrooms: More Opportunities for Peer Interaction
- Individual and Social- Psychological Variables Related to Bangladeshi Students and Their Proficiency in ESL
- Integrating Poetry and Dialogue Journal Writing into EFL Curricula
- Interlanguage Pragmatic Test Tasks: Does a Low-Stakes Test have Washback to L2 Teachers and Learners?
- International Cultures in the Framework of World Englishes: What Should EFL Teachers Do?
- Interrelated Influence of Internal and External Factors on Malaysian Learners' Self-concept in Academic Writing
- Intrinsic Motivation in the EFL School Context: A Retrospective Study of English Learning Experiences in Japanese Elementary Schools
- Introduction to Instructed Second Language Acquisition
- Investigating College Student Attitudes towards Learning English and their Learning Strategies: Insights from Interviews in Thailand
- Investigating EFL Writing Assessment in a Classroom Setting: Features of Composition and Rater Behaviors
- Investigating the Impact of Modeling on the Teaching of Process Writing in a Primary Class
- Investigating the Levels, Types and Causes of Second Language Writing Anxiety among Indian Freshmen
- Iranian EFL Learners' Pattern of Language Learning Strategy Use
- Is the Communicative Approach a Panacea?: Thoughts from Hong Kong
- Issues in the Assessment and Evaluation of English Language Education at the Elementary School Level: Implications for Policies in South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan
- Judgments of Intelligibility and Foreign Accent by Listeners of Different Language Backgrounds
- "Just Make the Thing Understood"- Transformation of Migrant Learners' Beliefs about Learning
- Korean Engineering Professors' Views on English Language Education in Relation to English-Medium Instruction
- L2 Writing Pedagogy in EFL Contexts: An Exploration of Salient Practices in Teaching and Learning
- Language and the Internet
- Language Learning Strategies in Distance English Learning: A Study of Learners at Shantou Radio and Television University, China
- Language Learning Strategies, Multiple Intelligences and Self-Efficacy: Exploring the Links
- Language Planning for English Testing in EFL Contexts: China and Korea
- Language Policies in Asian Countries: Issues and Tensions
- Language Proficiency and Collocational Competence
- Language Teachers' Beliefs and Practices Regarding the Appropriateness of Communicative Methodology: A Case Study from Thailand
- Late Immersion in Hong Kong: A Pedagogical Framework for Integrating Content-language Teaching and Learning
- Learner Perspectives on National Identity and EFL Education in Japan: Report of a Questionnaire Study
- Learning English Literacy as an Aspect of Social Practice
- Learning English tensesTthrough the Theory of Variation
- Let's See if Learners' Level of Proficiency in English Affects their Production of Segmentals and Suprasegmentals: A Case of Iranian EFL Learners
- Lexical Bundles in the Korean EFL Teacher Talk Corpus: A Comparison Between Non-native and Native English Teachers
- Lexical Chains or Semantic Networks as Effective Top-down Pre-reading Activities
- Lexical Collocations in EFL Writing
- Linguistic Differences in the Writing Performance of Adolescent EFL Learners: The Influence of Independent and Integrated Tasks
- Linguistic Imperialism and Foreign Language Teaching
- Little Voice : Students' Confidence and Their Responses in English Lessons
- Localizing English-Only Policy at a University English Reading Program in Korea
- Looking in From Within: Student Diaries as a Bridge to Understanding the Reading Minds
- Mainland Chinese Students' Perceptions of Language, Learning, and Identity in an English Language Teacher Education Program in Hong Kong
- Metastrategies Employed by Science and Engineering EFL Learners in a Speaking Task
- Methodology and the Pragmatics of English as an International Language
- Modelling the Relationship among Prior English Level, Self-efficacy, Critical Thinking, and Strategies in Reading Performance
- Mother Tongue in the English Language Classroom: A Case of One School
- Motivation and Attitudes Toward Foreign Language Learning as Socio-politically Mediated Constructs: The Case of Korean High School Students
- Motivation and Attitudes Toward Foreign Language Learning as Socio-politically Mediated Constructs: The Case of Korean High School Students
- Motivation and Beliefs in Distance Language Learning: The Case of English Learners at SRTVU, an Open University in China
- Move Registers and Language Teaching
- Multicultural Communication between Jews and Arabs in English Teacher Training
- Multilingual Hong Kong: Language, Literacies and Identities
- Native English-Speaking Teachers' Quandary: What to Do with So Many Students?
- Native vs. Non-Native Teachers: Who Is the Real Model for Japanese Elementary School Pupils?
- Native-English-Speaking Teachers' Construction of Professional Identity in an EFL Context: A Case of Vietnam
- Nativized Varieties of English and the Linguistic Identity: A Case of Indian English Speakers
- Negotiating Identity: An Asian Migrant Language Learner Imagining the Future
- New Directions in Contrastive Rhetoric: Some implications for Teachers of Writing in Multilingual Contexts
- News Discourse and Its Influence on Readers
- On Questionnaire Use in Language Learning Strategies Research
- On the Relationship Between Risk-taking and Self-assessment of Speaking Ability: a Case of Freshman EFL Learners
- Ongoing Speaking Anxiety of Korean EFL Learners: Case Study of a TOEIC Intensive Program
- "Orientalism" and Contrastive (Intercultural) Rhetoric: A Response to What Said Has Said
- Overseas Chinese Students' Perceptions of the Influence of English on their Language and Culture
- Paired Peer Review in a Distance-taught EFL Writing Course
- Participants' Perceptions on a Multi-goal Oriented English Language Education Policy: A Case of Talk (Tech and Learn in Korea)
- Persistent Monologicality amidst Variation in Teachers' Questioning Practices in Malaysian English Language Classrooms
- Phrasal Verbs and Breadth of Vocabulary Knowledge in Second Language Reading: An Exploratory Study
- Principled Polycentrism and Resourceful Speakers
- Professional Standards in TEFL: A Challenge for Asia
- Professional Survival in a Neoliberal Age: A Case Study of an EFL Teacher in China
- Professionalization of TEFL in Korea: The Roads behind and ahead
- Profiling Individual Differences of Successful and Unsuccessful L2 Readers
- Proposed Changes in the Senior Secondary Curriculum in English Language in Hong Kong: Perceptions of School Principals and Teachers
- Questionnaires in Second Language Research: Construction, Administration, and Processing (2nd ed.) by Z. Dornyei & T. Tatsuya
- Questionnaires in Second Language Research: Construction, Administration, and Processing (2nd ed.) by Z. Dornyei & T. Tatsuya
- Recast and Metalinguistic Feedback in Teaching and Learning L2 Writing: A Comparative Study
- Relationship Between Learner Autonomy and English Language Proficiency of Japanese Learners
- Role Assigning in Jigsaw Classroom: An Asian Classroom Reality Revealed
- Roles of Output in Foreign Language Learning: A Case of Collaborative Grammar Task
- Russian English: Status, Attitudes, Problems
- School-University Partnerships in English Language Teacher Education: Tensions, Complexities and the Politics of Collaboration
- Schools of Fish: English for Access to International Academic and Professional Communities
- Second Language Pragmatics
- Secondary Teachers' Perception on English Education Policies in Korea
- Shadowing for Pronunciation Development: Haptic-Shadowing and IPA-Shadowing
- Strategic Reading Process in Two On-line and Printed Environments
- Strategies for Successful Learning in an English-speaking Environment: Insights from a Case Study
- Students and Lecturers' Perceptions of What Constitutes Effective Teaching Behavior in a University
- Students' Attitudes Toward Undertaking Writing Activities on Extensive Reading
- Students' Perceptions of EMI in Higher Education in Korea
- Successful Strategies: Test-Taking Strategies for the TOEFL
- Target Language Use and Performance in Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL)
- Task-based Intercultural Language Teaching in EFL Classroom
- Task-based Strategy Assessment: The Effect of Task Difficulty on Listening Strategy Use of Advanced EFL Learners
- Teacher Beliefs as a Complex System: English Language Teachers in China
- Teacher Education in Malaysia: Preparing and Training of English Language Teacher Educators
- Teacher Read-Alouds in an ESL Context
- Teachers' and Students' Attitudes Toward Error Correction in L2 Writing
- Teachers' Beliefs About Task-Based Language Teaching in Japan
- Teachers' Perceptions of Textbook and Teacher's Guide: A Study in Secondary Education in Bangladesh
- Teachers' Roles in Developing Learner Autonomy in the East Asian Region
- Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy
- Teaching Culture to English Learners: Commonwealth Studies as a Content-based EFL Course
- Teaching English as an International Language: The Role of Culture in Asian Contexts
- Teaching Global English with NNS-NNS Online Communication
- Teaching Grammar: A Survey of Teachers' Attitudes in Vietnam
- Teaching Idioms through Pictorial Elucidation
- TEFL in Pakistan: Emerging Issues
- The Causes of Learners' Reticence and Passivity in English Classrooms in Taiwan
- The Challenge of Informed Use: A Unique IT Experience for Teachers and Students from the
- The Effect of Computer Assisted L1 and L2 Glosses on L2 Vocabulary Learning
- The Effect of English Learning in Elementary School on Students' English Language Development in Junior High School
- The Effect of Genre Consciousness-raising Tasks on Iranian EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension Performance
- The Effect of Task Complexity and Language Proficiency on Task-Based Language Performance
- The Effect of Task Demands of Intentional Reasoning on L2 Speech Performance
- The Effect of Task-based Reading Activities on Vocabulary Learning and Retention of Iranian EFL Learners
- The Effects of Freewriting Exercises on Adult Korean Students' English Learning
- The Effects of Teacher Feedback on EFL Students' Writing in a Korean University Class
- The Effects of Teachers' Written Comment Types and Iranian EFL Learners' Attitudes
- The Effects of University English Writing Classes Focusing on Self and Peer Review on Learner Autonomy
- The Effects of Using English Drama on the Learning of Target Expressions for Primary School Students
- The Global Spread of English: Ethical and Pedagogic Concerns for ESL/EFL Teachers
- The Hidden Curriculum of Cultural Content in Internationally Published ELT Textbooks: A Closer Look at New American Inside Out
- The Impact of L1 Reading Directionality Mode on L2 Reading Fluency
- The Implementation of Project-based Learning: A Study in Two Hong Kong Secondary English Classrooms
- The Implications of the Teacher Training Program to the ELT Policy Implementation in Oman
- The Influence of a Study Abroad Teacher Training Program on the Language Development of Korean Teachers of English
- The Interpretation of Discourse-Linked Wh-Phrases by EFL Learners
- The Intra- and Inter-task Effectiveness of Direct and Indirect Written Corrective Feedback
- The Linguistic Pragmatism of Mandarin in Singapore
- The Pedagogy of English as an International Language: Perspectives from Scholars, Teachers and Students
- The Process Approach to ESL/EFL Writing
- The Relationship of Language Learning Strategies and Personality on English Proficiency in Japanese University Students
- The Rhetorical Organisation of English Argumentative Essays by Malay ESL Students : The Placement of Thesis Statement
- The Role of Explicit Instruction in the Development of L2 Phonology
- The Role of Prosody in Recognition Memory for English Sentences
- The Roles of Language in CLIL
- The Roles of Phonological Knowledge in L2 Lower Achievers' Reading Development
- The Stability of General Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety across Languages among Chinese Undergraduate Foreign Language Learners
- The Stories of Four Indonesians in Their Survival Using Foreign Languages Abroad
- The Study of Emotional Intelligence and Literature in Education: Gender and Major of Study
- Time Related Idiomatic Language: A Corpus-based Approach to TEFL with Reference to MICASE
- Topic Effects on Writing Performance: What Do Students and Their Writings Tell Us?
- Topic Familiarity Effect on Accuracy, Complexity, and Fluency of L2 Oral Output
- Toward Communicative Competence in the Japanese Context: The Challenges Facing Japanese English Teachers
- Towards a Pedagogical Framework for Participatory Learning in EAP
- Towards Rectifying the Power Imbalance between Teachers and Researchers
- Training of Trainers for Primary English Teachers in Viet Nam: Stakeholder Evaluation
- Training Teachers of English to Reflect Critically
- Translation in Language Teaching: An Argument for Reassessment
- Translingualism in Action: Rendering the Impossible Possible
- Two Affective Variables and Language Learners' Perceptions of Classroom Interaction
- Undergraduate Achievement: Portfolio Assessment
- Understanding academic identity development in a changing landscape: The case of university English teachers in Malaysia
- Understanding Taiwanese Adolescents' English Learning Selves through Parental Expectations
- Unraveling In-service EFL Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
- Uses of First and Foreign Languages as Learning Resources in a Foreign Language Classroom
- Using 'A Shadowing' Technique' to Improve English Pronunciation Deficient Adult Japanese Learners: An Action Research on Expatriate Japanese Adult Learners
- Using a Skills Development Course to Foster Teacher Professional Growth
- Using Auditory Word Repetition to Improve L2 Pronunciation of English Schwa by Japanese Learners: From the Perspective of Phonological Processing
- Using Conceptual Metaphors and L1 Definitions in Teaching Idioms to Non-native Speakers
- Using Focus on Form Instruction in the Teaching and Learning of Grammar in a Malaysian Classroom
- Using IT in Language Classroom: A Guide for Teachers and Students in Asia / A Philosophy of Second Language Acquisition
- Using Peer-led Story Discussions with Junior College EFL Learners
- Validating the Feasibility Study Framework of Streamline English Curriculum Innovation in China
- Validation of the C-Test amongst Chinese ESL Learners
- What Influences the Quality of Japanese College Students' Writing in English as a Foreign Language?
- Why We Do and What We Do: The Experience of Good English Language Learners
- Writing Teacher Views on Teacher Feedback: A Shift from Grammar Corrector to Motivator
- ZPD-Based Dynamic Assessment and Collaborative L2 Vocabulary Learning
Code-switching/Code-mixing +
(Language) Community +
Language Background +
Socio-political +
4) Learner Level +
High (School)/Secondary/Adolescent +
Kingdergarten/Young Learners/Children/Elementary +
University/College/Tertiary/Adult +
- 'Close Your Book and Open Your Facebook': A Case for Extending Classroom Collaborative Activities Online
- A Case Study on Lecture Styles by Native- and Nonnative-English Speaking Instructors in University English Reading Classes
- A Comparative Analysis of Awareness in Reading L1 and L2 Texts: EFL Thai Students' Strategies Use, Processing Speed and Linguistic Knowledge
- A Contextualised Study of EFL Learners' Vocabulary Learning Approaches: Framework, Learner Approach and Degree of Success
- A Corpus-based Study of To-Infinitive Errors in Korean College Freshmen's Writing
- A Cross-Sectional Contrastive Analysis of Japanese Students' English Composition Skills
- A Developmental Perspective on Academic Writing Instruction for Japanese EFL Students
- A Hollywood English Pronunciation for Japanese Students? An Exploration of Japanese University Students' Attitudes towards Japanese English Pronunciation
- A Model of English Teacher Development in Asia Based on Surveys on Teacher Qualifications and Education Programs
- A New Approach to Teaching Pronunciation: An Exploratory Case Study
- A Non-structured, Empowered and Activity-oriented English Immersion Program in an EFL Setting
- A Survey on the Professional Development Needs of Part-time College English Teachers in Taiwan
- A Western Researcher in a Japanese University Writing Classroom: Limited or Advantaged? Cultural Sensitivity and the Debate on Japanese Students' Critical Thinking
- Advanced English Conversations for World Games 2009 Textbook: Design and Evaluation
- An Analysis of the Role of Teacher in Distance Learning: A Comparative Study of the Instructor in
- An Empirical Study of Differences in the Use of English Vocabulary Learning Strategies
- An Empirical Study on Learning Strategies of Tertiary-level EFL Learners in China
- An Evaluation Approach Towards Feedback Improvement in the Context of Initial Teacher Training in ELT
- An Explorative Study of Chinese College English Teachers' Professional Development
- An Instrument for EFL Reading Anxiety: Inventory Construction and Preliminary Validation
- Analyzing the Journal Corpus Data on English Expressions Across Disciplines
- Assessing the Roles of Metacognitive Knowledge and Vocabulary Size in EFL Reading Comprehension
- Beyond the Mean Differences of the SILL by Gender: Differential Item Functioning
- But?쫁hat Will the Students Think? Factors Shaping University English Language Teachers' Decisions to Teach Grammar
- Campus-Network-Based and Computer-Assisted College English Learning System Development in China and A Study of English Language & Culture CAI Matrix
- Challenges in Conducting Classroom-Based Research in EFL Settings
- Chinese College English Learners' Attitudes and Behaviors in Computer-Assisted Autonomous Language Learning
- Chinese College Students' Reaction to CAI:A Case Study
- Classroom Negotiation and Learner Participation
- College EFL Learners' Metaphorical Perceptions of English Learning
- College EFL Learners' Speaking Motivation under English-medium Instruction Policy
- Collocations in High School and Pre-University English Textbooks Versus New Interchange Book Series
- Comparability Study of Two National EFL Tests (CET-6 and TEM-4) in China
- Course-Specific Corpora in the Classroom:A News Media English Class in Taiwan
- Creating an Institution-Specific Science and Engineering Academic Word List for University Students
- Creating In-class Self-directed Learning through Can Do Objectives, Portfolio use, and Formative Assessment
- Creativity and Learners' Performance on Argumentative and Narrative Written Tasks
- Critical Literacy in the EFL Classroom: Evolving Multiple Perspectives through Learning Tasks
- Cross-border Telecommunication: A Task-based Collaboration at College Level
- Current Trends and Issues in English Language Education in Asia
- Demotivation: Understanding Resistance to English Language Learning - The Case of Vietnamese Students
- Developing a Listening Comprehension Problem Scale for University Students' Metacognitive Awareness
- Developing Teacher Autonomy and Reflective Practice through an Online Teacher Education Course
- Different Shades of the Collective Way of Thinking: Vietnamese and Chinese International Students' Reflection on Academic Writing
- Differential Difficulty in Processing L1-L2 Verb Splits: Dissociation with Corpus Frequency
- Do L2 Proficiency and L1 Reading Strategies Affect Persian EFL Learners' Use of English Reading Strategies? Threshold Hypothesis Revisited
- Do We Reliably Know What EFL Students Like in English Classrooms at University Level?
- Does Teaching to the Test Exist?: A Case Study of Teacher Washback in Taiwan
- Effect of Reading On-line Local Newspapers Headlines on Developing University Students' Reading Skills in English
- Effects of Cognitive Comparison during Focus-on-Form Instruction on Japanese EFL Learners' Acquisition of Grammar*
- Effects of Dynamic Assessment on College EFL Learners' Reading Skills
- Effects of L2 Writing Proficiency and Reader Awareness on EFL Students' Writing Product and Process On-Line: Computer-based Observation
- Effects of Listening Strategy Training for EFL Adult Listeners
- EFL Learners' Language Learning Strategy Use as a Predictor for Self-Directed Learning Readiness
- EFL Listeners' Strategy Development and Listening Problems: A Process-Based Study
- English as a medium of instruction at tertiary education system in Vietnam
- English as a Medium of Instruction: Challenges for Vietnamese Tertiary Lecturers
- English Development of Chinese EFL Student Writers from Sophomore to Senior Years
- English Language Attrition in Short Conversation and Passage Listening Comprehension
- English Literacy Learning as a Socially Situated Practice
- English Teachers' Actual and Ideal Interpersonal Behavior and Students' Outcomes in Secondary Schools of Thailand
- English-medium Instruction in the University Context of Korea: Tradeoff between Teaching Outcomes and Media-initiated University Ranking
- Enhancing Long-term Retention by Memory Vocabulary Learning Strategies
- Enhancing Vietnamese Learners' Ability in Writing Argumentative Essays
- Error Correction in College EFL Writing Instruction: Students' Expectations and Correction Effects
- Evaluating an Academic Writing Course-based on an Integrated Model
- Evaluating the Impact of Oral Test Anxiety and Speaking Strategy Use on Oral English Performance
- Examining Student Perspectives on the Differences between Native and Non-native Language Teachers
- Exploring Motivational Changes for Short In-class Extensive Reading
- Exploring Test Takers' Cognition in a High-stakes Reading Test: An Eye-tracking Study
- Exploring the Concept of the Ideal L2 Self in an Asian EFL Context: The Case of Japanese University Students
- Exploring the Use of Oral-Communication Strategies by (Non)Fluent L2 Speakers
- Factors Affecting Motivation for Short In-class Extensive Reading
- Flipping a Chinese University EFL Course: What Students and Teachers Think of the Model
- Flipping the Classroom and Tertiary Level EFL Students' Academic Performance and Satisfaction
- Foreign English Teachers in the Chinese Classroom : Focus on Teacher-Student Interaction
- Foreign Language Anxiety: Understanding Its Sources and Effects from Insiders' Perspectives
- Formal Instruction and the Acquisition of Linguistic Features
- From the State of Motivated to Demotivated: Iranian Military EFL Learners' Motivation Change
- Functional Distribution of Lexical Bundle in Native and Non-Native Students' Argumentative Writing
- Gender, Academic Major, and Chinese Students' Use of Language Learning Strategies: Social and Educational Perspectives
- Global English and EFL Learners: Implications for Critical Pedagogy
- Globalizing ESL Classrooms: The Design Principles of Academic Reading Strategies Instruction for On-Line Adult Learners
- Group Formation and Longevity in the Foreign Language Classroom: Students' Views
- Helping Remedial Students Help Themselves: Causal Attribution and Language Proficiency
- How Do Mainland Chinese Learners of English Use Compensatory Strategies to Aid Communication: A Qualitative Analysis in Three Communicative Environments
- How EFL Teachers Grow: An Explorative Study on Teacher learning in Classroom Teaching
- How Prepared are the Preservice ESL Teachers to Teach: Insights from University Supervisor Feedback
- Identity Construction in Learning English Academic Writing in a Japanese University
- Importance of Ongoing Motivation for EFL Writers' Performance: Growth Curve Modeling
- Improving Grammatical Accuracy in Thai Learners' Writing: Comparing Direct and Indirect Written Corrective Feedback
- Improving Korean University Student EFL Academic Writing with Contrastive Rhetoric: Teacher Conferencing and Peer Response Can Help
- Incidental Vocabulary Learning of Non-English Major Graduates
- Incidental Vocabulary Learning Through Extensive Reading: A Case of Lower-level EFL Taiwanese Learners
- International Cultures in the Framework of World Englishes: What Should EFL Teachers Do?
- Investigating College Student Attitudes towards Learning English and their Learning Strategies: Insights from Interviews in Thailand
- Investigating Differences in the Reading Processes of Advanced and Intermediate Readers
- Investigating EFL Writing Assessment in a Classroom Setting: Features of Composition and Rater Behaviors
- Investigating the Strategic Reading Processes of Readers in Different Cultural Contexts
- Iranian EFL Learners' Pattern of Language Learning Strategy Use
- JACET 8000 and AsiaTEFL Vocabulary Initiative
- Keeping the Ball Rolling: A Curriculum Change in the College English Program at a Chinese Institution
- Korean English Speakers' Perceptions of East-Asian English Speakers' Pronunciation
- Language Learning Strategies in Distance English Learning: A Study of Learners at Shantou Radio and Television University, China
- Language Learning Strategies, Multiple Intelligences and Self-Efficacy: Exploring the Links
- Learner Perspectives on National Identity and EFL Education in Japan: Report of a Questionnaire Study
- Learners' Roles in a Peer Feedback Task: Do They View Themselves as Writers or Reviewers?
- Learning and using English at university: Lessons from a longitudinal study in Hong Kong
- Learning English Literacy as an Aspect of Social Practice
- Learning English Writing in a Japanese University: Developing Critical Argument and Establishing Writer Identity
- Lexical Chains or Semantic Networks as Effective Top-down Pre-reading Activities
- Lexical Collocations in EFL Writing
- Localizing English-Only Policy at a University English Reading Program in Korea
- Looking in From Within: Student Diaries as a Bridge to Understanding the Reading Minds
- Motivation and Attitudes Toward Foreign Language Learning as Socio-politically Mediated Constructs: The Case of Korean High School Students
- Motivation and Attitudes Toward Foreign Language Learning as Socio-politically Mediated Constructs: The Case of Korean High School Students
- Motivation and Beliefs in Distance Language Learning: The Case of English Learners at SRTVU, an Open University in China
- Multicultural Communication between Jews and Arabs in English Teacher Training
- Native English-Speaking Teachers' Quandary: What to Do with So Many Students?
- Native-English-Speaking Teachers' Construction of Professional Identity in an EFL Context: A Case of Vietnam
- Negotiating Identity: An Asian Migrant Language Learner Imagining the Future
- Nuclear Stress Patterns in Reading by Adult Chinese EFL Learners: Explicit Training or Implicit Learning?
- On the Relationship Between Risk-taking and Self-assessment of Speaking Ability: a Case of Freshman EFL Learners
- Ongoing Speaking Anxiety of Korean EFL Learners: Case Study of a TOEIC Intensive Program
- Paired Peer Review in a Distance-taught EFL Writing Course
- Participants' Perceptions on a Multi-goal Oriented English Language Education Policy: A Case of Talk (Tech and Learn in Korea)
- Pedagogical Practice and Students' Perceived Effectiveness of Web-based Automated Speech Evaluation
- Phrasal Verbs and Breadth of Vocabulary Knowledge in Second Language Reading: An Exploratory Study
- Preference of Corrective Feedback Approaches Perceived by Native English Teachers and Students
- Recast and Metalinguistic Feedback in Teaching and Learning L2 Writing: A Comparative Study
- Relationship Between Learner Autonomy and English Language Proficiency of Japanese Learners
- Roles of L1 and L2 Derivational Morphological Awareness in L2 Reading Through the Mediation of L2 Vocabulary Knowledge
- School-University Partnerships in English Language Teacher Education: Tensions, Complexities and the Politics of Collaboration
- Schools of Fish: English for Access to International Academic and Professional Communities
- Science and Engineering Students' Attributions for Success and Failure in the EFL Classroom
- Shadowing for Pronunciation Development: Haptic-Shadowing and IPA-Shadowing
- Skill Level Based Cooperative Peer Feedback in EFL Writing Students
- Strategies for Successful Learning in an English-speaking Environment: Insights from a Case Study
- Students and Lecturers' Perceptions of What Constitutes Effective Teaching Behavior in a University
- Students' Attitudes Toward Undertaking Writing Activities on Extensive Reading
- Students' Perceptions of EMI in Higher Education in Korea
- Students' Perspectives on a School-based English Proficiency Test
- Task Design to Task Enactment: How Teacher Interpretations of a Given Task Manipulate its Evolution as a Pedagogical Construct
- Task-based Intercultural Language Teaching in EFL Classroom
- Teacher's Presence in Synchronous Mobile Chats in a Chinese University
- Teachers' Roles in Developing Learner Autonomy in the East Asian Region
- Teaching Creative Writing in English: An Innovative Means of University-level EFL Education
- Teaching Culture to English Learners: Commonwealth Studies as a Content-based EFL Course
- Teaching Global English with NNS-NNS Online Communication
- The 'What', 'Why', and 'How' of Needs Assessment for Adult EFL Learners
- The Contributions of Planning, L2 Linguistic Knowledge and Individual Differences to L2 Writing
- The Effect of Computer Assisted L1 and L2 Glosses on L2 Vocabulary Learning
- The Effect of Genre Consciousness-raising Tasks on Iranian EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension Performance
- The Effect of Task Demands of Intentional Reasoning on L2 Speech Performance
- The Effects of Freewriting Exercises on Adult Korean Students' English Learning
- The Effects of Glossing on Incidental Vocabulary Learning Through Reading-Based Oral Tasks
- The Effects of Task Modality and Type on Korean EFL Learners' Interactions
- The Effects of Teacher Feedback on EFL Students' Writing in a Korean University Class
- The Effects of University English Writing Classes Focusing on Self and Peer Review on Learner Autonomy
- The Effects of Written Feedback in the Form of Recasts
- The Implications of the Teacher Training Program to the ELT Policy Implementation in Oman
- The Relationship between University Students' Exposure to Foreign Culture and Global Competency
- The Relationship of Language Learning Strategies and Personality on English Proficiency in Japanese University Students
- The Role of Explicit Instruction in the Development of L2 Phonology
- The Role of Prosody in Recognition Memory for English Sentences
- The Washback Impact of the Iranian University Entrance Examination on Pre-University English Teachers
- Towards a Pedagogical Framework for Participatory Learning in EAP
- Two Affective Variables and Language Learners' Perceptions of Classroom Interaction
- Undergraduate Achievement: Portfolio Assessment
- Understanding academic identity development in a changing landscape: The case of university English teachers in Malaysia
- Using 'A Shadowing' Technique' to Improve English Pronunciation Deficient Adult Japanese Learners: An Action Research on Expatriate Japanese Adult Learners
- Using Peer-led Story Discussions with Junior College EFL Learners
- Using Weblogs to Promote Critical Thinking through Asynchronous Online Discussion
- Validation of the C-Test amongst Chinese ESL Learners
- What Influences the Quality of Japanese College Students' Writing in English as a Foreign Language?
- Which Reading Strategy Is More Helpful for EFL Readers, Using Graphic Organizers or Enhancing Input?
- Written Feedback and Oral Interaction: How Bimodal Peer Feedback Affects EFL Japanese Students
5) Production and Acquisition +
- A Comparative Study of Research Article Discussion Sections of Local and International Applied Linguistic Journals
- A Developmental Perspective on Academic Writing Instruction for Japanese EFL Students
- A Non-structured, Empowered and Activity-oriented English Immersion Program in an EFL Setting
- A Study of Cognitive Level of Bilingual Proficiency: What Makes Balanced Bilinguals?
- Acquisition of the Distinction between Particles and Prepositions by Korean Learners of English
- An Analysis of the Relationship between Presence, Consciousness and Performance in Learner-centered Communicative Learning Using SCMC - Experimental Study
- An Exploration of Lexical Bundles in Academic Lectures: Examples from Hard and Soft Sciences
- Bridging a Gap between Traditional Instruction and Communicative Language Teaching in a Foreign Language Classroom
- Classroom Negotiation and Learner Participation
- Collocation and Idiom Problems in Secondary Pupils' Writing in Brunei Darussalam
- Collocations in High School and Pre-University English Textbooks Versus New Interchange Book Series
- Competence Differences Between Native and Near-Native Speakers: Is Puberty the Cut-off Age for Access to UG?
- Corrective Feedback and Learner Uptake in Primary School EFL Classrooms in China
- Demystifying Native Speaker Ideology: The Critical Role of Critical Practice in Language Teacher Education
- Differential Effects of Phonological and Lexicogrammatical Errors on NS and NNS Listeners' Perceptions of Comprehensibility: An Exploratory Study
- Distraction or Instruction: The Role of Online Interactive Games in a Child's Second Language Acquisition
- Effects of Cognitive Comparison during Focus-on-Form Instruction on Japanese EFL Learners' Acquisition of Grammar*
- Effects of L2 Writing Proficiency and Reader Awareness on EFL Students' Writing Product and Process On-Line: Computer-based Observation
- Effects of Listening Strategy Training for EFL Adult Listeners
- Effects of Massed vs. Distributed Implicit FonF on Receptive Acquisition of L2 Vocabulary Items
- Effects of Task Design on EFL Learners' Written Language Performance
- English as a medium of instruction at tertiary education system in Vietnam
- English Development of Chinese EFL Student Writers from Sophomore to Senior Years
- English for Advocacy Purposes: Critical pedagogy's Contribution to Indonesia
- ESL Teachers' Use of Corrective Feedback and Its Effect on Learners' Uptake
- Evaluating the Influence of Monocomponential and Polycomponential Types of Input-Based Task on Recognizing and Producing L2 Request Downgraders
- Exploring Chinese EFL Learners' Receptive and Productive Vocabulary Knowledge: Implications for EFL Vocabulary Teaching
- Exploring the Effects of Intention-oriented Input-based Instruction in Second Language Pragmatics: A Case of English Request Hedges
- Exploring the Interplay of Planning Time, Reasoning Demands, and Language Learning Aptitude in Iranian EFL Learners' Written Production
- Formal Instruction and the Acquisition of Linguistic Features
- Gap Between Intended and Acquired Curriculum of English in Secondary Schools in Laos
- How Many Words Do You Need to Know to Understand TOEIC, TOEFL & EIKEN? An Examination of Text Coverage and High Frequency Vocabulary
- Identifying Reading Strategies to Teach Literal, Reorganisation and Inferential Comprehension Questions to ESL Students
- Incidental Vocabulary Learning of Non-English Major Graduates
- Incidental Vocabulary Learning Through Extensive Reading: A Case of Lower-level EFL Taiwanese Learners
- Incorporating Rich Vocabulary Instruction into a Language Classroom
- Indirect Feedback: A Plausible Suggestion for Overcoming Error Occurrence in L2 Writing
- Interlanguage Pragmatic Test Tasks: Does a Low-Stakes Test have Washback to L2 Teachers and Learners?
- Introduction to Instructed Second Language Acquisition
- Is Strategic Competence Teachable?
- Korean Learners' Production of English Sound Contrast: Focusing on Word-Final /?? and /?쳃/
- Learning English Writing in a Japanese University: Developing Critical Argument and Establishing Writer Identity
- Let's See if Learners' Level of Proficiency in English Affects their Production of Segmentals and Suprasegmentals: A Case of Iranian EFL Learners
- Lexical Chains or Semantic Networks as Effective Top-down Pre-reading Activities
- Linguistic Differences in the Writing Performance of Adolescent EFL Learners: The Influence of Independent and Integrated Tasks
- Linguistic Imperialism and Foreign Language Teaching
- Methodology and the Pragmatics of English as an International Language
- Native vs. Non-Native Teachers: Who Is the Real Model for Japanese Elementary School Pupils?
- Nuclear Stress Patterns in Reading by Adult Chinese EFL Learners: Explicit Training or Implicit Learning?
- Paired Peer Review in a Distance-taught EFL Writing Course
- Profiling Individual Differences of Successful and Unsuccessful L2 Readers
- Secondary Teachers' Perception on English Education Policies in Korea
- Speech Intelligibility of Korean EFL Learners: Role of Proficiency, Text Type and Text Length
- Students' Attitudes Toward Undertaking Writing Activities on Extensive Reading
- Studying Lexical Input from English Textbooks for Primary and Junior Secondary Students in Hong Kong
- Supplementive Participle Clauses in Science Journal Papers by Korean Graduate Students: A Corpus-based Study for Pedagogical Purposes
- Teacher Read-Alouds in an ESL Context
- Teachers' Beliefs About Task-Based Language Teaching in Japan
- Teaching Idioms through Pictorial Elucidation
- Testing the Comparability of Different L2 Oral Test Tasks
- The Contributions of Planning, L2 Linguistic Knowledge and Individual Differences to L2 Writing
- The Effect of English Proficiency on Korean Undergraduates' Expression of Epistemic Modality in English Argumentative Writing
- The Effect of Task Complexity and Language Proficiency on Task-Based Language Performance
- The Effect of Task Demands of Intentional Reasoning on L2 Speech Performance
- The Effects of Using English Drama on the Learning of Target Expressions for Primary School Students
- The Hidden Curriculum of Cultural Content in Internationally Published ELT Textbooks: A Closer Look at New American Inside Out
- The Influence of Chunking on Reading Comprehension: Investigating the Acquisition of Chunking Skill
- The Interpretation of Discourse-Linked Wh-Phrases by EFL Learners
- The Intra- and Inter-task Effectiveness of Direct and Indirect Written Corrective Feedback
- The Study of Emotional Intelligence and Literature in Education: Gender and Major of Study
- The Washback Impact of the Iranian University Entrance Examination on Pre-University English Teachers
- Topic Familiarity Effect on Accuracy, Complexity, and Fluency of L2 Oral Output
- Translingualism in Action: Rendering the Impossible Possible
- Two Affective Variables and Language Learners' Perceptions of Classroom Interaction
- Using Conceptual Metaphors and L1 Definitions in Teaching Idioms to Non-native Speakers
- Using Focus on Form Instruction in the Teaching and Learning of Grammar in a Malaysian Classroom
- Using IT in Language Classroom: A Guide for Teachers and Students in Asia / A Philosophy of Second Language Acquisition
- Visual Intelligence and Lexical Enhancement Tasks: Their Impacts on EFL Learners' Receptive and Productive Vocabulary
- Why We Do and What We Do: The Experience of Good English Language Learners
- Written Feedback and Oral Interaction: How Bimodal Peer Feedback Affects EFL Japanese Students
Policy +
Research/ Theory/ Research Methods
1) Analysis Method
Qualitative analysis +
Statistical analysis +
Correlation +
Factor Analysis +
Regression +
Structural Equation Modeling/Path Analysis +
t-test/Anova +
2) Data Collection Method +
Focus Group +
Interview +
Observation +
Questionnaire/Survey +
- 'Close Your Book and Open Your Facebook': A Case for Extending Classroom Collaborative Activities Online
- A Comparative Study into the Use of Family and Given Names among Japanese, Korean, and Chinese High School Students
- A Comparative Study of Monolingual and Bilingual EFL Learners on Language Learning Strategies Use: A Case of Iranian High School Students
- A Contextualised Study of EFL Learners' Vocabulary Learning Approaches: Framework, Learner Approach and Degree of Success
- A Hollywood English Pronunciation for Japanese Students? An Exploration of Japanese University Students' Attitudes towards Japanese English Pronunciation
- A Model of English Teacher Development in Asia Based on Surveys on Teacher Qualifications and Education Programs
- A Pedagogical Framework for Content-language Integrated Teaching at Middle School Level
- A Quasi-Longitudinal Study on English Learning Motivation and Attitudes: The Case of South Korean Students
- A Study of Cognitive Level of Bilingual Proficiency: What Makes Balanced Bilinguals?
- A Study on NNS Teachers' Language Awareness
- A Study on Oral Presentation Anxiety and Confidence: A Comparison between L1 and L2 Presentations
- A Survey of Engineering Student's Use of English Language Learning Strategies
- A Survey on the Professional Development Needs of Part-time College English Teachers in Taiwan
- Ageism: A Barrier to Plans to Boost Fluency in English?
- An Analysis of Teachers' and Students' Perceptions of Codeswitching in Teaching Science and Mathematics in a Philippine Private High School
- An Empirical Study on Learning Strategies of Tertiary-level EFL Learners in China
- An Explorative Study of Chinese College English Teachers' Professional Development
- An Instrument for EFL Reading Anxiety: Inventory Construction and Preliminary Validation
- An Overall Evaluation of Elementary English Education in Taiwan
- Assessing the Roles of Metacognitive Knowledge and Vocabulary Size in EFL Reading Comprehension
- Attitudes of Students in the Eight ASEAN Free Flow of Labor Professions towards World Englishes
- Attractive Quality Attributes of English Language Teaching at Two East Asian Universities
- Autonomous English Learning among Postgraduate EFL Learners in China: A Study of Attitudes and Behaviors
- Bangladeshi English Teachers' Perceptions of their Professional Practice
- Bridging the Gap Between Teaching Styles and Learning Styles: A Cross-cultural Perspective
- Chinese College English Learners' Attitudes and Behaviors in Computer-Assisted Autonomous Language Learning
- Choosing an Appropriate Pronunciation Model for The ELT Classroom: A Hong Kong Perspective
- College EFL Learners' Speaking Motivation under English-medium Instruction Policy
- Course-Specific Corpora in the Classroom:A News Media English Class in Taiwan
- Creating In-class Self-directed Learning through Can Do Objectives, Portfolio use, and Formative Assessment
- Current Trends and Issues in English Language Education in Asia
- Developing a Listening Comprehension Problem Scale for University Students' Metacognitive Awareness
- Developing Learners' Oral Communicative Language Abilities: A Collaborative Action Research Project in Argentina
- Developing Teacher Autonomy and Reflective Practice through an Online Teacher Education Course
- Do We Reliably Know What EFL Students Like in English Classrooms at University Level?
- Does Teaching to the Test Exist?: A Case Study of Teacher Washback in Taiwan
- Effect of Reading On-line Local Newspapers Headlines on Developing University Students' Reading Skills in English
- Effects of Listening Strategy Training for EFL Adult Listeners
- EFL Communicative Language Teaching within a Framework of Response-Oriented Theory
- English Literacy Learning as a Socially Situated Practice
- English Teachers' Actual and Ideal Interpersonal Behavior and Students' Outcomes in Secondary Schools of Thailand
- English-medium Instruction in the University Context of Korea: Tradeoff between Teaching Outcomes and Media-initiated University Ranking
- Enhancing Long-term Retention by Memory Vocabulary Learning Strategies
- Equalizing Classroom Participation
- Error Correction in College EFL Writing Instruction: Students' Expectations and Correction Effects
- Evaluating an Academic Writing Course-based on an Integrated Model
- Examining a Metacognitive Instruction Model
- Examining Student Perspectives on the Differences between Native and Non-native Language Teachers
- Exploring Motivational Changes for Short In-class Extensive Reading
- Factors Affecting Motivation for Short In-class Extensive Reading
- Finding Reasons for ESL/EFL Argumentative Writing
- Flipping a Chinese University EFL Course: What Students and Teachers Think of the Model
- Flipping the Classroom and Tertiary Level EFL Students' Academic Performance and Satisfaction
- Foreign English Teachers in the Chinese Classroom : Focus on Teacher-Student Interaction
- From the State of Motivated to Demotivated: Iranian Military EFL Learners' Motivation Change
- Group Formation and Longevity in the Foreign Language Classroom: Students' Views
- Heritage Narratives, Motivation to Learn English and the Development of National Identity: An Indonesian Perspective
- "I only cited some of his words": The dilemma of EFL students and their perceptions of plagiarism in academic writing
- Identifying Reading Strategies to Teach Literal, Reorganisation and Inferential Comprehension Questions to ESL Students
- Importance of Ongoing Motivation for EFL Writers' Performance: Growth Curve Modeling
- Incidental Vocabulary Learning of Non-English Major Graduates
- International Cultures in the Framework of World Englishes: What Should EFL Teachers Do?
- Interrelated Influence of Internal and External Factors on Malaysian Learners' Self-concept in Academic Writing
- Investigating the Strategic Reading Processes of Readers in Different Cultural Contexts
- Issues in the Assessment and Evaluation of English Language Education at the Elementary School Level: Implications for Policies in South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan
- Korean Engineering Professors' Views on English Language Education in Relation to English-Medium Instruction
- Korean English Speakers' Perceptions of East-Asian English Speakers' Pronunciation
- Language Learning Strategies, Multiple Intelligences and Self-Efficacy: Exploring the Links
- Learner Perspectives on National Identity and EFL Education in Japan: Report of a Questionnaire Study
- Learners' Roles in a Peer Feedback Task: Do They View Themselves as Writers or Reviewers?
- Modelling the Relationship among Prior English Level, Self-efficacy, Critical Thinking, and Strategies in Reading Performance
- Mother Tongue in the English Language Classroom: A Case of One School
- Motivation and Attitudes Toward Foreign Language Learning as Socio-politically Mediated Constructs: The Case of Korean High School Students
- Motivation and Attitudes Toward Foreign Language Learning as Socio-politically Mediated Constructs: The Case of Korean High School Students
- Multicultural Communication between Jews and Arabs in English Teacher Training
- News Discourse and Its Influence on Readers
- On Questionnaire Use in Language Learning Strategies Research
- Participants' Perceptions on a Multi-goal Oriented English Language Education Policy: A Case of Talk (Tech and Learn in Korea)
- Pedagogical Practice and Students' Perceived Effectiveness of Web-based Automated Speech Evaluation
- Phonological Changes in Cantonese-English Code-Mixing for ESL Learners in Hong Kong and Their Attitudes Toward Code-Mixing
- Professionalization of TEFL in Korea: The Roads behind and ahead
- Questionnaires in Second Language Research: Construction, Administration, and Processing (2nd ed.) by Z. Dornyei & T. Tatsuya
- Questionnaires in Second Language Research: Construction, Administration, and Processing (2nd ed.) by Z. Dornyei & T. Tatsuya
- Relationship Between Learner Autonomy and English Language Proficiency of Japanese Learners
- Role Assigning in Jigsaw Classroom: An Asian Classroom Reality Revealed
- Russian English: Status, Attitudes, Problems
- Science and Engineering Students' Attributions for Success and Failure in the EFL Classroom
- Secondary Teachers' Perception on English Education Policies in Korea
- Skill Level Based Cooperative Peer Feedback in EFL Writing Students
- Strategic Reading Process in Two On-line and Printed Environments
- Students and Lecturers' Perceptions of What Constitutes Effective Teaching Behavior in a University
- Students' Objectivity and Perception of Self Assessment in an EFL Classroom
- Students' Perceptions of EMI in Higher Education in Korea
- Students' Perspectives on a School-based English Proficiency Test
- Task-based Strategy Assessment: The Effect of Task Difficulty on Listening Strategy Use of Advanced EFL Learners
- Teachers' and Students' Attitudes Toward Error Correction in L2 Writing
- Teachers' Beliefs About Task-Based Language Teaching in Japan
- Teachers' Roles in Developing Learner Autonomy in the East Asian Region
- Teaching Global English with NNS-NNS Online Communication
- Teaching Grammar: A Survey of Teachers' Attitudes in Vietnam
- Teaching the Same Lesson Twice: Comparing Student Evaluation Surveys to Analyze Teacher Efficacy across Classes
- TEFL in Pakistan: Emerging Issues
- The Causes of Learners' Reticence and Passivity in English Classrooms in Taiwan
- The Contributions of Planning, L2 Linguistic Knowledge and Individual Differences to L2 Writing
- The Effect of Note-taking Strategies Instruction on the Students' Academic Achievement
- The Effects of Different Types of Feedback on Revision
- The Effects of Task Modality and Type on Korean EFL Learners' Interactions
- The Effects of Teachers' Written Comment Types and Iranian EFL Learners' Attitudes
- The Effects of University English Writing Classes Focusing on Self and Peer Review on Learner Autonomy
- The Implementation of Project-based Learning: A Study in Two Hong Kong Secondary English Classrooms
- The Influence of a Study Abroad Teacher Training Program on the Language Development of Korean Teachers of English
- The Interplay of Receiving, Accepting, and Asking for Strokes and Iranian EFL Teachers' Perceived Self-Efficacy
- The Relationship between University Students' Exposure to Foreign Culture and Global Competency
- The Stability of General Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety across Languages among Chinese Undergraduate Foreign Language Learners
- The Washback Impact of the Iranian University Entrance Examination on Pre-University English Teachers
- Two Affective Variables and Language Learners' Perceptions of Classroom Interaction
- Understanding Factors that Influence Chinese English Teachers' Decision to Implement Communicative Activities in Teaching
- Using a Skills Development Course to Foster Teacher Professional Growth
- Validating the Feasibility Study Framework of Streamline English Curriculum Innovation in China
- What Influences the Quality of Japanese College Students' Writing in English as a Foreign Language?
- Written Feedback and Oral Interaction: How Bimodal Peer Feedback Affects EFL Japanese Students
3) Research Type +
Action Research +
Case Study +
Classroom-based +
Corpus +
Experiment +
Survey/Questionnaire +
- 'Close Your Book and Open Your Facebook': A Case for Extending Classroom Collaborative Activities Online
- A Comparative Study into the Use of Family and Given Names among Japanese, Korean, and Chinese High School Students
- A Comparative Study of Monolingual and Bilingual EFL Learners on Language Learning Strategies Use: A Case of Iranian High School Students
- A Contextualised Study of EFL Learners' Vocabulary Learning Approaches: Framework, Learner Approach and Degree of Success
- A Hollywood English Pronunciation for Japanese Students? An Exploration of Japanese University Students' Attitudes towards Japanese English Pronunciation
- A Model of English Teacher Development in Asia Based on Surveys on Teacher Qualifications and Education Programs
- A Pedagogical Framework for Content-language Integrated Teaching at Middle School Level
- A Quasi-Longitudinal Study on English Learning Motivation and Attitudes: The Case of South Korean Students
- A Study of Cognitive Level of Bilingual Proficiency: What Makes Balanced Bilinguals?
- A Study on NNS Teachers' Language Awareness
- A Study on Oral Presentation Anxiety and Confidence: A Comparison between L1 and L2 Presentations
- A Survey of Engineering Student's Use of English Language Learning Strategies
- A Survey on the Professional Development Needs of Part-time College English Teachers in Taiwan
- Ageism: A Barrier to Plans to Boost Fluency in English?
- An Analysis of Teachers' and Students' Perceptions of Codeswitching in Teaching Science and Mathematics in a Philippine Private High School
- An Empirical Study on Learning Strategies of Tertiary-level EFL Learners in China
- An Explorative Study of Chinese College English Teachers' Professional Development
- An Instrument for EFL Reading Anxiety: Inventory Construction and Preliminary Validation
- An Overall Evaluation of Elementary English Education in Taiwan
- Assessing the Roles of Metacognitive Knowledge and Vocabulary Size in EFL Reading Comprehension
- Attitudes of Students in the Eight ASEAN Free Flow of Labor Professions towards World Englishes
- Attractive Quality Attributes of English Language Teaching at Two East Asian Universities
- Autonomous English Learning among Postgraduate EFL Learners in China: A Study of Attitudes and Behaviors
- Bangladeshi English Teachers' Perceptions of their Professional Practice
- Bridging the Gap Between Teaching Styles and Learning Styles: A Cross-cultural Perspective
- Chinese College English Learners' Attitudes and Behaviors in Computer-Assisted Autonomous Language Learning
- Choosing an Appropriate Pronunciation Model for The ELT Classroom: A Hong Kong Perspective
- College EFL Learners' Speaking Motivation under English-medium Instruction Policy
- Course-Specific Corpora in the Classroom:A News Media English Class in Taiwan
- Creating In-class Self-directed Learning through Can Do Objectives, Portfolio use, and Formative Assessment
- Current Trends and Issues in English Language Education in Asia
- Developing a Listening Comprehension Problem Scale for University Students' Metacognitive Awareness
- Developing Learners' Oral Communicative Language Abilities: A Collaborative Action Research Project in Argentina
- Developing Teacher Autonomy and Reflective Practice through an Online Teacher Education Course
- Do We Reliably Know What EFL Students Like in English Classrooms at University Level?
- Does Teaching to the Test Exist?: A Case Study of Teacher Washback in Taiwan
- Effect of Reading On-line Local Newspapers Headlines on Developing University Students' Reading Skills in English
- Effects of Listening Strategy Training for EFL Adult Listeners
- EFL Communicative Language Teaching within a Framework of Response-Oriented Theory
- English Literacy Learning as a Socially Situated Practice
- English Teachers' Actual and Ideal Interpersonal Behavior and Students' Outcomes in Secondary Schools of Thailand
- English-medium Instruction in the University Context of Korea: Tradeoff between Teaching Outcomes and Media-initiated University Ranking
- Enhancing Long-term Retention by Memory Vocabulary Learning Strategies
- Equalizing Classroom Participation
- Error Correction in College EFL Writing Instruction: Students' Expectations and Correction Effects
- Evaluating an Academic Writing Course-based on an Integrated Model
- Examining a Metacognitive Instruction Model
- Examining Student Perspectives on the Differences between Native and Non-native Language Teachers
- Exploring Motivational Changes for Short In-class Extensive Reading
- Factors Affecting Motivation for Short In-class Extensive Reading
- Finding Reasons for ESL/EFL Argumentative Writing
- Flipping a Chinese University EFL Course: What Students and Teachers Think of the Model
- Flipping the Classroom and Tertiary Level EFL Students' Academic Performance and Satisfaction
- Foreign English Teachers in the Chinese Classroom : Focus on Teacher-Student Interaction
- From the State of Motivated to Demotivated: Iranian Military EFL Learners' Motivation Change
- Group Formation and Longevity in the Foreign Language Classroom: Students' Views
- Heritage Narratives, Motivation to Learn English and the Development of National Identity: An Indonesian Perspective
- "I only cited some of his words": The dilemma of EFL students and their perceptions of plagiarism in academic writing
- Identifying Reading Strategies to Teach Literal, Reorganisation and Inferential Comprehension Questions to ESL Students
- Importance of Ongoing Motivation for EFL Writers' Performance: Growth Curve Modeling
- Incidental Vocabulary Learning of Non-English Major Graduates
- International Cultures in the Framework of World Englishes: What Should EFL Teachers Do?
- Interrelated Influence of Internal and External Factors on Malaysian Learners' Self-concept in Academic Writing
- Investigating the Strategic Reading Processes of Readers in Different Cultural Contexts
- Issues in the Assessment and Evaluation of English Language Education at the Elementary School Level: Implications for Policies in South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan
- Korean Engineering Professors' Views on English Language Education in Relation to English-Medium Instruction
- Korean English Speakers' Perceptions of East-Asian English Speakers' Pronunciation
- Language Learning Strategies, Multiple Intelligences and Self-Efficacy: Exploring the Links
- Learner Perspectives on National Identity and EFL Education in Japan: Report of a Questionnaire Study
- Learners' Roles in a Peer Feedback Task: Do They View Themselves as Writers or Reviewers?
- Modelling the Relationship among Prior English Level, Self-efficacy, Critical Thinking, and Strategies in Reading Performance
- Mother Tongue in the English Language Classroom: A Case of One School
- Motivation and Attitudes Toward Foreign Language Learning as Socio-politically Mediated Constructs: The Case of Korean High School Students
- Motivation and Attitudes Toward Foreign Language Learning as Socio-politically Mediated Constructs: The Case of Korean High School Students
- Multicultural Communication between Jews and Arabs in English Teacher Training
- News Discourse and Its Influence on Readers
- On Questionnaire Use in Language Learning Strategies Research
- Participants' Perceptions on a Multi-goal Oriented English Language Education Policy: A Case of Talk (Tech and Learn in Korea)
- Pedagogical Practice and Students' Perceived Effectiveness of Web-based Automated Speech Evaluation
- Phonological Changes in Cantonese-English Code-Mixing for ESL Learners in Hong Kong and Their Attitudes Toward Code-Mixing
- Professionalization of TEFL in Korea: The Roads behind and ahead
- Questionnaires in Second Language Research: Construction, Administration, and Processing (2nd ed.) by Z. Dornyei & T. Tatsuya
- Questionnaires in Second Language Research: Construction, Administration, and Processing (2nd ed.) by Z. Dornyei & T. Tatsuya
- Relationship Between Learner Autonomy and English Language Proficiency of Japanese Learners
- Role Assigning in Jigsaw Classroom: An Asian Classroom Reality Revealed
- Russian English: Status, Attitudes, Problems
- Science and Engineering Students' Attributions for Success and Failure in the EFL Classroom
- Secondary Teachers' Perception on English Education Policies in Korea
- Skill Level Based Cooperative Peer Feedback in EFL Writing Students
- Strategic Reading Process in Two On-line and Printed Environments
- Students and Lecturers' Perceptions of What Constitutes Effective Teaching Behavior in a University
- Students' Objectivity and Perception of Self Assessment in an EFL Classroom
- Students' Perceptions of EMI in Higher Education in Korea
- Students' Perspectives on a School-based English Proficiency Test
- Task-based Strategy Assessment: The Effect of Task Difficulty on Listening Strategy Use of Advanced EFL Learners
- Teachers' and Students' Attitudes Toward Error Correction in L2 Writing
- Teachers' Beliefs About Task-Based Language Teaching in Japan
- Teachers' Roles in Developing Learner Autonomy in the East Asian Region
- Teaching Global English with NNS-NNS Online Communication
- Teaching Grammar: A Survey of Teachers' Attitudes in Vietnam
- Teaching the Same Lesson Twice: Comparing Student Evaluation Surveys to Analyze Teacher Efficacy across Classes
- TEFL in Pakistan: Emerging Issues
- The Causes of Learners' Reticence and Passivity in English Classrooms in Taiwan
- The Contributions of Planning, L2 Linguistic Knowledge and Individual Differences to L2 Writing
- The Effect of Note-taking Strategies Instruction on the Students' Academic Achievement
- The Effects of Different Types of Feedback on Revision
- The Effects of Task Modality and Type on Korean EFL Learners' Interactions
- The Effects of Teachers' Written Comment Types and Iranian EFL Learners' Attitudes
- The Effects of University English Writing Classes Focusing on Self and Peer Review on Learner Autonomy
- The Implementation of Project-based Learning: A Study in Two Hong Kong Secondary English Classrooms
- The Influence of a Study Abroad Teacher Training Program on the Language Development of Korean Teachers of English
- The Interplay of Receiving, Accepting, and Asking for Strokes and Iranian EFL Teachers' Perceived Self-Efficacy
- The Relationship between University Students' Exposure to Foreign Culture and Global Competency
- The Stability of General Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety across Languages among Chinese Undergraduate Foreign Language Learners
- The Washback Impact of the Iranian University Entrance Examination on Pre-University English Teachers
- Two Affective Variables and Language Learners' Perceptions of Classroom Interaction
- Understanding Factors that Influence Chinese English Teachers' Decision to Implement Communicative Activities in Teaching
- Using a Skills Development Course to Foster Teacher Professional Growth
- Validating the Feasibility Study Framework of Streamline English Curriculum Innovation in China
- What Influences the Quality of Japanese College Students' Writing in English as a Foreign Language?
- Written Feedback and Oral Interaction: How Bimodal Peer Feedback Affects EFL Japanese Students
Teacher/Pedagogy/Professional Growth +
Critical Pedagogy +
Identity +
Idiology +
Nonnative/Native/Pre-service/In-service +
Teacher Perception/Teacher Belief +
Teacher Qualification +
Teacher Training +
Teaching Approaches and Methods +
Autonomous +
Communicative +
Computer-assisted/On-line learning +
Content-based +
English medium instruction +
Task-based +
Teaching Focus
1) Communication and Culture +
Communication +
Communicative Competence +
Culture +
Intercultural +
Interpersonal +
2) English Language Focus +
Accent +
Grammar +
Acceptability/Judgement +
Accuracy +
Category/Type +
Complexity +
Error +
Form +
Knowledge/Metalanguage +
Linguistic Feature +
Order +
Spelling +
Thematic Progression +
Listen +
Listen Comprehension +
Listen Problem +
Listen Skill/Ability +
Listen Strategy +
Pronunciation +
Read +
Extensive Reading +
Read Comprehension +
Reading Strategy +
Speak +
Speaking Skill +
Speaking Strategy +
Vocabulary +
Academic Word +
Error +
Idiom/Lexical (Bundle) +
Incidental +
Productive +
Receptive +
Type +
Vocabulary Learning +
Vocabulary Teaching +
Write +
Academic Thesis/Academic Essay +
Academic Writing +
Composition +
Discourse Marker +
Genre/Narrative/Argumentative +
1) Administration Purpose +
Achievement +
Entrance +
Placement +
Proficiency +
2) Test Focus +
Comprehension +
Grammar +
Production/Performance/Authentic +
Read +
Speak/Oral +
Vocabulary +
Write +
Textbook +