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Volume 12 Number 4, Winter 2015, Pages 1-158 PDF Download

Supplementive Participle Clauses in Science Journal Papers by Korean Graduate Students: A Corpus-based Study for Pedagogical Purposes

    Dong Wan Cho, Jungyoung Park

This corpus-based study analyzes how supplementive participle clauses are used in science journal papers written for publication by Korean graduate students. Supplementive participle clauses help ensure syntactic sophistication and textual variety, but they cause difficulty to non-native speakers of English due to their diverse uses and structures and an unclear semantic relation between the main clause and the participle clause. With this concern in mind, this research uses 166 science and engineering journal articles written by Korean graduate students to investigate the frequency of supplementive participle clauses, as well as the supplementive participle clause structures and verb types used in them. Results show that this linguistic feature is used in Korean graduate students' papers much less than in those published in internationally recognized journals such as Cell and Physical Review Letters and that the verbs used in Korean students' papers lack variety. It is also found that dangling participle clauses are very often used and seem acceptable in written discourse in the science and engineering community. Pedagogical suggestions are provided to help Korean graduate students or EFL learners acquire supplementive participle clauses and use them appropriately.

Keywords: supplementive participle clauses, science journal papers, teaching EAP/ESP writing, corpus-based study