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Volume 8 Number 4, Winter 2011, Pages 1-248   

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Blogging as Mediated Action in the Development of Two EFL Teachers: An Activity Theory Approach

    Yi-Wen Liu and Ching-Fen Chang

Blogs are among the most widely used Web 2.0 tools and have become a popular means of teacher development. This study, drawn from an activity theory approach, investigates how blogs serve as reflective and social tools mediating the development of two English teachers. Data are collected from the two teachers' blogs, periodical online observation of the two teachers' blogging, and interviews with the two teachers. The findings show that blogs are helpful in monitoring and reflecting the teachers' instructional processes. Moreover, blogs enable teachers to communicate with others in the online community and find encouragement. The results of the study suggest that teacher training programs and school administrators should encourage both pre-service and in-service teachers to establish their own blogs in order to function as a reflective tool and to expand their social network for professional development.

Keywords: activity theory, teacher development, blogs, reflection, social interaction, online communities