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Volume 4 Number 2, Summer 2007, Pages 1-142   

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A Survey of Engineering Student's Use of English Language Learning Strategies

    Xiangli Cheng, Kang Xu, Yue Ma

This paper presents a longitudinal comprehensive study on engineering student's use of English language learning strategies. The study aims to investigate student's choices of strategy use, frequency of strategy use and deployment of learning strategies in practice. The survey consists of one close-ended questionnaire distributed in paper and one open-ended questionnaire distributed to a public mailbox accessible to targeted students. The findings of questionnaire one reveal that engineering students have a tendency to use more cognitive strategies than social/affective strategies, and surprisingly, metacognitive strategies are poorly employed. The investigation from questionnaire two shows that engineering students have strong belief on the positive impact of strategy use on English language learning. However, the effective application of English language learning strategy varies from students to students.

Keywords: learning strategy, cognitive strategies, social/affective strategies, metacognitive strategies