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Volume 7 Number 2, Summer 2010, Pages 1-359   

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The Effect of Note-taking Strategies Instruction on the Students' Academic Achievement

    Hamid Reza Haghverdi and Reza Biria and Lotfollah Karimi

In the present study, attempt has been made to investigate the effect of note-taking strategy instruction individually and its interaction with gender on the students' academic achievement. To double check the hypotheses, a true experimental method and a survey were employed. The experimental-side data were fed into SPSS and analyzed using ANCOVA. The results revealed that note-taking strategy instruction, but not its interaction with gender, had significant effects on the student achievement. Using t-test, the survey data results indicated that Iranian professors and students had high positive attitudes toward the benefits of note-taking; also, mean differences between male and female respondents were not significant. The findings both theoretically and practically provide hints for teachers, students and future researchers.

Keywords: note-taking strategy instruction, academic achievement, gender, attitude