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Volume 4 Number 4, Winter 2007, Pages 1-271   

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Campus-Network-Based and Computer-Assisted College English Learning System Development in China and A Study of English Language & Culture CAI Matrix

    Li Jing

Over the past decades, the astounding development in both computer technology and the network has considerably promoted the research and application of language educational technologies. Given the tendency of China's college English education as well as the curriculum requirements dictated by the Ministry of Education of China (2004), it is necessary to develop a CALL system corresponding to China's college English education reality. The paper concerns itself with an analysis of English Language & Culture CAI Matrix (ELCCAIM) developed independently by the practicing English teachers of Foreign Languages College of Sichuan University in China. By analysing ELCCAIM, the paper aims to explore the feasibility and necessity of developing the localized CALL system for China's college English teaching and learning on the base of computer technology and the campus-network and applying the theories of educational psychology and linguistics to the development process.

Keywords: the CALL system, campus-network-based, ELCCAIM, College English