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Volume 1 Number 1, Spring 2004, Pages 1-403   

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From Ideology to Inquiry: Mediating Asian and Western Values in ELT Practice

    Le Van Canh

This paper argues that while ideology may play a decisive role in choosing materials as well as methods, teachers can mediate ideological differences and become innovative, creative through a change of mindset. In this process of ideological mediation, teachers need to free themselves from methodological dogmatism and cultural stereotypes and look for alternatives which blend the best practices from their own and Western culture. In order to mediate ideological differences in language teaching methodology, I recommend an imitation-indigenization- innovation model for teachers to try out in their classroom. In the conclusion I argue that teachers determine educational quality and play a central role in educational innovation. For successful change, it is critical that teachers' continuing professional development be improved in ways that ease their fears that their cultural values, attitudes, and beliefs are being threatened or attacked.