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Volume 8 Number 4, Winter 2011, Pages 1-248   

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Which Reading Strategy Is More Helpful for EFL Readers, Using Graphic Organizers or Enhancing Input?

    Kyoung Rang Lee

This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of well-known reading strategies, using graphic organizers and enhancing input. A group of college students read an English text while completing the given graphic organizer with topic sentences of each paragraph; another group read the same text while enhancing (underlining or highlighting) topic sentences; and the third group read the same text without doing anything. Immediate and delayed tests of both multiple-choice tests and timed free-recall were compared to examine how effectively each reading strategy helped the participants comprehend the text. Interestingly, those who enhanced topic sentences performed significantly better in the immediate multiple-choice questions than those with the graphic organizer to complete, and in the delayed test, those with the graphic organizer remembered significantly more in the timed free-recall than those who enhanced. Also, those who were required to find topic sentences actively (both graphic organizer and enhancement) performed significantly better in the delayed free-recall test than those who did not have to. Detailed results and discussions are given. (167 words)

Keywords: reading strategies, enhanced input, advance organizer, topic sentences, reading comprehension, multiple-choice questions, free-recall