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Volume 7 Number 4, Winter 2010, Pages 1-137   

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Preferred Professional Competences and Characteristics of Kindergarten NNESTs in Taiwan

    Kate Tzuching Chen

This study identified the preferred professional competences and characteristics of kindergarten non-native English-speaking EFL/ESL teachers (NNESTs) in Taiwan. A total of 394 kindergarten faculty and 67 teacher educators in Taiwan participated in this study. The results indicated that professional competences such as good English oral skills are preferred. EFL teaching and fundamental early childhood education courses are both required to complete a kindergarten NNEST training program. However, teacher educators tend to include more theoretical courses, while kindergarten faculty tends to prefer more practical ones. In addition, kindergarten faculty finds teachers with degrees in EFL teaching or early childhood education less desirable than teachers with teaching experience who value professional development. This paper offers a brief but broad overview of the qualifications of Kindergarten NNESTs in Taiwan, contributes to an understanding of the locally based practices of EFL teaching, and provides suggestions on related areas for further study.

Keywords: kindergarten EFL, professional competences, characteristics, NNESTs, Taiwan