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Volume 1 Number 2, Autumn 2004, Pages 1-171   

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Integrating Poetry and Dialogue Journal Writing into EFL Curricula

    Hae-Ri Kim

This study proposes integrating poetry within EFL (English as a Foreign Language) curricula. This is done by connecting the diverse activities associated with studying poems to dialogue journal writing. First, this study presents the benefits of using poetry as a resource to develop spoken and written English. Then methods are demonstrated which can be used to integrate poetry and dialogue journal writing into existing current EFL curricula. Finally, the study introduces examples of poems which have worked well with EFL students of various abilities, and presents how to integrate poetry into an EFL classroom in meaningful ways that consider the linguistic development of language learners and provide an opportunity to extend their literary experience. Samples of writing between EFL teachers and students are also included to illustrate how integrating poetry to the classroom can create diverse activities and successful outcomes. The study concludes that EFL teachers can enrich their students' English education by employing diverse poems and activities that are enjoyable and offer many exciting possibilities.