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Volume 7 Number 2, Summer 2010, Pages 1-359   

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An Analysis of English Textbooks Used at Iranian Guidance Schools in Terms of Bloom's Taxonomy

    Yahya Gordani

This study explored different types of learning objectives inherent in Iranian guidance school English textbooks from the viewpoint of Bloom's taxonomy. The primary data in this study were the English textbooks taught in Iranian guidance schools at the present time. The study used Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives (1956) in analyzing the material found in Iranian guidance school English textbooks. A coding scheme was developed to make it possible for the researcher to use Bloom's taxonomy in codifying the data. The data was then analyzed to detect trends in the cognitive demands inherent in the above-mentioned material. Results from the codification of a total of 351 tasks and exercises showed that all of the items were concentrated in the first three levels of Bloom's taxonomy which are referred to as the lower levels of cognitive skills. In addition, a significant difference was found between the textbooks in their inclusion of different levels of cognitive skills. The results of this study can act as a guide to educational decision-makers, syllabus designers, and textbook developers who wish to modify their practice and materials in such a way as to achieve higher levels of learning objectives.

Keywords: Textbook evaluation, Bloom's taxonomy, educational objectives, Iranian guidance school