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Volume 9 Number 2, Summer 2012, Pages 1-148   

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Situated Learning: Rethinking a Ubiquitous Theory

    Rod Pederson

Situated Learning has become a ubiquitous concept in a variety of fields across academia. Commonly understood in terms of the pedagogical utility of contextualizing content knowledge, the generally accepted meaning of situated learning within applied linguistics has remained static. However, critical, post-structural, and postmodern approaches to education and applied linguistics have conflated conceptions of situated learning to include broader interpretations of the concept of situating that include the contextualization of content knowledge into multiple contexts, forms of praxis and theorizing, and a form of inquiry in itself. The purpose of this paper is to unpack how the basic theory of situated learning is related to a wide array of theories that use the basic concept of situating knowledge as a central tenet. In doing so, the author suggests that a more inclusive theory of situated learning is warranted.