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Volume 3 Number 4, Winter 2006, Pages 1-225   

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Developing Teacher Autonomy and Reflective Practice through an Online Teacher Education Course

    Gordon Joyes and Zehang Chen

This paper reports on research into the Chinese teacher experience of online learning. The context is the pilot units of an in-service "English Methodology" course in the BA degree program in education for English teachers in Chinese secondary schools. This was developed as part of a Chinese and UK government funded collaborative project from 2003 to 2005 by the University of Nottingham, UK and Beijing Normal University, China to develop innovative eLearning. The longitudinal evaluation involved a wide range of data collection methods including pre and post questionnaires, focus group interviews, online activity logs and tutor and learner diaries. Teacher reaction to the eLearning approach was very positive and the paper explores the key implications for eLearning design and implementation that arose.