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Volume 4 Number 2, Summer 2007, Pages 1-142   

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From the Editor-in-Chief

    Bernard Spolsky

The reports of a highly successful Asia TEFL conference in Kuala Lumpur in June promise us a new batch of valuable manuscripts for the reconstituted editorial board to consider. As the organization continues to grow, the quality of the research published in its journal will continue to improve. This summer issue shows continued progress. The range of countries represented also grows, stretching from Colombia to the United Kingdom, with one writer currently studying in Australia. This is now clearly an international journal, its writers from Bangladesh, China, Colombia, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Thailand, the UK and USA.

The range of papers is also broad, covering the teaching of English at primary, secondary and tertiary levels, and dealing with self-assessment, teacher attitudes, pupils' ideas of a good teacher, process writing, lexical collocations, learning strategies, and strategies for distance learning.

Again, our thanks and congratulations are due to writers and editorial team, and a kind thought for those other potential contributors working hard to write new manuscripts or revise old ones.

Bernard Spolsky