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Volume 4 Number 3, Autumn 2007, Pages 1-240   

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From the Editor-in-Chief

    Bernard Spolsky

The Fall 2007 issue of the Asia TEFL Journal brings us another nine high quality reports of continuing research in the field of English language teaching, including papers written by scholars from China (three papers, including one from Hong Kong), Japan (two papers), Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand. Six deal with the college level learners, two with high school students, and one with primary school. This reverse pyramid presumably reflects the likelihood of teachers at the various levels being involved in research and publication. The range of topics covered continues to be wide.
Anna Ma compares developments over recent years in primary English curricula in Hong Kong and Shanghai, showing how they reflect political and economic needs. Faizih Majid discusses what can be learned from college students' diary writing. Guo Yan explores learner autonomy among college students and shows how gradual are changes in methods. Keiso Tatsukawa studies the development of strategic competence among high school students. Alvin Leong Ping reports on a study of essay writing by high school students. Prayasit Sitthitikul looks at the reading strategies of college students. Sanae Tsuda, Yuka Shigemitsu, and Kazuyo Murata investigate conversational style differences between Japanese and English and ask how to overcome these differences in teaching English to Japanese speakers. Soo-Ok Kweon looks at the mastery of separable and inseparable phrasal verbs in English by Korean tertiary level learners of English. Finally, Wenxia Zhang and Meihua Liu report on the attitudes of college students to an English proficiency test.
The journal is now well established as a record of Asian research in the field of English language teaching. It continues to receive a large number of contributions, which are carefully winnowed and improved by peer review. We owe a great deal to the devoted work of the Managing Editor and the active team of editors and reviewers. We continue to welcome quality papers, wherever they come from, that can be of interest to our readers.

Bernard Spolsky