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Volume 4 Number 4, Winter 2007, Pages 1-271   

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Lexical Chains or Semantic Networks as Effective Top-down Pre-reading Activities

    Parviz Ajideh

Lexical Chains or Semantic Networks as Effective Top-down Pre-reading Activities
In order to interact efficiently with the text, the second language reader needs access to content as well as context. In other words, the second language readers will need to draw on appropriate schematic knowledge to reach satisfactory interpretation of the text. In fact schematic knowledge has textual representations which are represented by lexical choices made by the discourse producer in the encoding process. Thus, one of the teacher's duties is to help the reader recognize those lexical choices. Any lexical element in a text is the textual representation of an abstract mental concept. This study, conducted in Tabriz University, examines the effectiveness of lexical chains and semantic networks as a top-down pre-reading activity. It is suggested that prior to reading the instructor can highlight those lexical elements in a text that seem to be in close relationship with the topic of text and by making them transparent, the relevant schemata can be activated in the reader's mind.

Keywords: lexical chain, coherence, semantic network, schema theory, reading comprehension, pre-reading activity