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Volume 4 Number 4, Winter 2007, Pages 1-271   

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A Critical Discussion on the Action Plan to Cultivate "Japanese with English Abilities"

    Hisashi Okuno

An Action Plan to Cultivate “Japanese with English Abilities” was formulated by the Japanese Ministry of Education in 2003. This article shows the outlines of this plan and a critical discussion focusing on its defects and problems. The article is divided into three parts. The first part shows introduction and the background information that leads to the formation of the Action Plan. The second part, which is the main part of this article, gives the critical discussion on two parts of the Action Plan, that is “Goals to cultivate ‘Japanese with English Abilities'” and “Action to Improve English Education”. The third part shows conclusion. In this part, the author concludes the article by claiming that the Action Plan is an improper control to education.

Keywords: Courses of Study, MEXT, Strategic Plan, economic circles, language policies