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Volume 5 Number 2, Summer 2008, Pages 1-170   

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The Implications of the Teacher Training Program to the ELT Policy Implementation in Oman

    Ali S.M. Al-Issa

Second language teacher education is an important agency with a powerful capacity to impact student teachers' socialization. Like all other prospective teachers, second language student teachers go through various experiences while attending their initial training program and these experiences impact their beliefs, images, and thinking in relation to teaching and learning (foreign) languages.
This paper, hence, triangulates data from the Philosophy and Guidelines for the Omani English Language School Curriculum document (Nunan, Tyacke & Walton, 1987), which I will herewith refer to as the National English Language Policy/Plan (NELP), other policy texts, the pertinent literature, and semi-structured interviews conducted with various agents involved in the Omani English language teaching (ELT) system.
The paper critically discusses the different ideologies embodied in the various statements and draws conclusions about their implications to initial English language teacher education in Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) in Oman and other similar or identical parts in the world and to second language policy implementation.

Keywords: NELP, policy, teacher training and education, teaching and learning English, second and foreign language