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Volume 6 Number 3, Autumn 2009, Pages 1-401   

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Do L2 Proficiency and L1 Reading Strategies Affect Persian EFL Learners' Use of English Reading Strategies? Threshold Hypothesis Revisited

    Mohammad Rahimi, Firooz Sadighi and Zahra Alimorad Dastkhezr

Research in the area of reading comprehension strategies (RCSs) suggests that not all learners use these strategies in the same fashion and that various factors affect the type and frequency of the strategies used by second/foreign language learners. This study attempted to investigate the effect of two factors, namely, L2 proficiency and L1 reading strategies on the use of FL semantic and syntactic RCSs of Iranian university EFL learners. To this end, data were gathered form ninety-seven Persian learners. Results of the study indicated that L2 proficiency did not have any significant effect on the use of L2 semantic and syntactic RCSs. However, L1 semantic RCSs were found to have a significant effect on the use of L2 semantic RCSs. Moreover, the interaction of L1 syntactic strategies and L2 proficiency had an impact on using L2 semantic strategies. The implications of the study along with suggestions for further research have also been provided.

Keywords: Reading comprehension strategies; semantic strategies; syntactic strategies; threshold hypothesis