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Volume 6 Number 3, Autumn 2009, Pages 1-401   

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L2 Writing Pedagogy in EFL Contexts: An Exploration of Salient Practices in Teaching and Learning

    Subrata Kumar Bhowmik

Manchon and Haan (2008) in their introduction to the special issue of Journal of Second Language Writing note that research findings and theoretical discussions relating to EFL contexts are underrepresented in mainstream L2 writing literature. Drawing on the same line of argument in this paper I examine some salient teaching and learning practices of L2 writing in EFL contexts. Review of literature shows that teaching and learning practices of L2 writing vary based on various context-specific issues. I argue that in order for L2 writing researchers to construct inclusive L2 writing theories it is imperative that they look into context-specific teaching and learning practices, especially those in EFL contexts. Various implications and recommendations are also discussed.

Keywords: L2 writing, EFL/ESL context, contrastive rhetoric, process approach to writing