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Volume 6 Number 4, Winter 2009, Pages 1-296   

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From the Editor-in-Chief

    Bernard Spolsky

Once again, we are proud to publish a new issue containing a dozen original papers reporting research relevant to the teaching of English in Asian contexts. As usual, they are the work of a wide range of authors, based in China (2), Singapore, Iran (2), Indonesia, Jordan, Hong Kong (2), Taiwan, and Japan(2), showing the continued productivity of scholars in the regions.
Several papers deal with studies casting light on classroom practice, such as the effect of direct and indirect feedback and of recasts, the usefulness of reading aloud, the value of studying newspaper headlines, and vocabulary learning strategies. One deals with literature and emotional intelligence. Another considers the difficulty of conducting the kind of classroom based studies reported. One focuses on teacher training, and the need to help teachers think critically. Another paper asks what makes English language teaching attractive to students in two different universities. There is a study of the effectiveness of adding web-based speech analysis, and another considering the nature of intrinsic motivation of Japanese elementary school learners.
In sum, considering that these are peer-reviewed paper selected from a greater number of offerings, and that all have been revised on the basis of detailed comments from reviewers, we have further evidence of the quality of research and publication among members of the Association.
They also show the major contribution of the editor, Professor Jihyeon Jeon, of Ewha Womens University in Korea and her team of editors and editorial advisors. If you are willing and able to join this vital team, ask your Regional Representative to send in your nomination.

Jerusalem, December 2009
Bernard Spolsky,
Editor-in-chief and Asia TEFL Publications Executive Director