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Volume 7 Number 1, Spring 2010, Pages 1-393   

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Enhancing Long-term Retention by Memory Vocabulary Learning Strategies

    Azadeh Nemati

In this study, it was intended to compare the impact of teaching through memory strategies on experimental group in comparison to the control group. Hence, 140 and 170 pre-university female students in India served as control and experimental groups respectively. The results indicated that the students of the experimental group outperformed both in short-term and long-term scores, and portrayed the superiority of memory strategies in short-term and long-term retention. As many learners do not develop sufficient mastery of the vocabulary, explicit instruction of memory strategies and giving strategy awareness can facilitate them to store and retrieve new vocabulary items. A significant difference was found between what the participants claimed in self-report and what they actually performed on post-test 1. As a result it was shown that in spite of being widely used, over-dependent on survey tools as a means of data collection is open to question.

Keywords: Memory Strategies, Vocabulary Learning Strategies, Short-term Retention, Long-term Retention, Imagery