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Volume 7 Number 2, Summer 2010, Pages 1-359   

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EFL Learners' Language Learning Strategy Use as a Predictor for Self-Directed Learning Readiness

    Min-hsun Maggie Su and Pey-chewn Duo

Self-directed learning has been viewed as the key to human survival and it has also been set as the ultimate goal of university education (Briggs, 1999; Knowles, 1975). Also in the field of language education, researchers have stated that learner's self-directed learning ability is the major goal in this field (Holec, 1981). Since language learning strategy is often seen as the tool for learners to exercise self-directed learning, and both language learning strategy and self-directed learning are proven to be significantly related to learner's learning achievement, the purpose of this study is to understand young adult EFL majors' self-directed learning readiness and their language learning strategy use, and further identify the best language learning strategy predictors for self-directed learning readiness. Findings of this study is hoped to serve as a reference for language educators and learners in cultivating successful self-directed language learners.

Keywords: self-directed learning, adult education, language education, language learning strategy