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Volume 7 Number 3, Autumn 2010, Pages 1-187   

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Analyzing Patterns of Classroom Interaction in EFL Classrooms in Iran

    Nasser Rashidi and Mahshid Rafieerad

Applying Discourse Analysis (DA) approach, the present research investigated the classroom discourse in EFL classrooms in Iran. The goals of the research were: (a) to identify the interaction patterns between teachers and students, (b) to investigate the effect of the gender of the teachers and the students on their interaction patterns, and (c) to find out whether the interaction was teacher-dominated or student-dominated. The results of the analysis indicated that the interaction patterns between the participants vary with the participants making use of a variety of discourse acts. Considering gender effect, it was shown that more similarities than differences existed between male and female teachers. Furthermore, boys were found to be more willing to interact with their teachers than girls. Finally, the findings showed that although the classroom discourse was following an IRF pattern in which the teachers dominated a high portion of classroom talk, the students did initiate exchanges with their teachers, and at times they even did follow-up their teachers' responses to their questions, resulting in an IRF pattern even in Student-Teacher Talk.

Keywords: discourse, interaction, patterns, initiation, response, follow up, teacher talk