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Volume 7 Number 3, Autumn 2010, Pages 1-187   

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A Comparative Study into the Use of Family and Given Names among Japanese, Korean, and Chinese High School Students

    Tomoyuki Kawashima

This paper examines the use of family and given names in the English-speaking contexts among Japanese, Korean, Chinese high school students. An online questionnaire survey was administered and data was collected from 79 participants. It revealed that 1) more than half of the participants in three countries reverse the name order when speaking to an American student; 2) Korean and Chinese participants prefer their given name as the form of address by their Korean or Chinese teacher of English; 3) Chinese participants are inclined to retain the family name first order irrespective of the country of the interlocutors; and 4) Japanese participants tend to reverse name order regardless of the country of the interlocutors. The pedagogical implications are also discussed.

Keywords: names, name order, identity awareness, pragmatic norms, form of address