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Volume 7 Number 4, Winter 2010, Pages 1-137   

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Preference of Corrective Feedback Approaches Perceived by Native English Teachers and Students

    Gipyo Park

This study investigated teachers' choice and students' preference of corrective feedback by 24 native English teachers and 51 university students taking English conversation in the EFL context of Korea, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative data. The results of the quantitative data analysis were: 1) all of the groups-teachers, students, the high proficient students (HPSs), and the low proficient students (LPSs)-preferred recast the most out of the five approaches of corrective feedback proposed by Lyster and Ranta (1997) and 2) the explicit correction approach was the only statistically significant variable in the comparison between groups: teachers versus students and the HPSs versus the LPSs. The results of the qualitative data analysis were: 1) both teachers and students showed individual differences as well as group differences of corrective feedback, which might result in statistical insignificance in the overall group comparison in the quantitative data and 2) some of the teachers and students perceived clarification request, elicitation, and repetition as measuring the same construct of implicit correction. This study concludes with teaching implications and future study areas for corrective feedback.

Keywords: second/foreign language learning, corrective feedback, error correction, individual difference