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Volume 8 Number 3, Autumn 2011, Pages 1-270   

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Students and Lecturers' Perceptions of What Constitutes Effective Teaching Behavior in a University

    Radha M.K Nambiar, Saran Kaur Gill, Noraini Ibrahim and Tan Kim Hua

This research explores the effectiveness of lectures taught in the English language by lecturers who had originally been teaching in the Malay language which is the medium of instruction in Malaysia. Specifically the research focuses on students and lecturers' perceptions of what good teaching behaviour constitutes. One hundred and forty one students completed questionnaires and three lecturers were observed in their respective classrooms. The questionnaires and observations focussed on the lecturers' organization, interaction and presentation styles to determine the effectiveness of their teaching behaviours. It was found that students did like some organization in the lectures while they had varying ideas on the level of interactivity required according to the presentation style of the lecturer. The study highlights the importance of lecturers as facilitators and enablers of knowledge in class while remaining non-threatening to students.

Keywords: teaching behavior, student perceptions, tertiary education