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Volume 8 Number 3, Autumn 2011, Pages 1-270   

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The Effects of Glossing on Incidental Vocabulary Learning Through Reading-Based Oral Tasks

    Jinghua Liu

The effects of single glossing have been identified in some studies, but research on the effects of bilingual glossing and multiple-choice glossing on incidental vocabulary learning is rather scarce. Furthermore, the role of glossing is often examined in the process of mere reading, and little is known as to how effective it can be in reading-plus activities like reading and retelling. This study investigated the effects of bilingual glossing and bilingual multiple-choice glossing on incidental vocabulary learning through reading-based oral tasks-reading and retelling- by two groups of non-English major college students in China. The independent-samples T-test for the immediate posttest indicated that multiple-choice glossing group outperformed the bilingual glossing group, but the difference is not significant. Nevertheless, multiple-choice glossing has yielded significant long lasting effects in the delayed posttest.

Keywords: bilingual glossing, bilingual multiple-choice glossing, reading and retelling