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Volume 2 Number 1, Spring 2005, Pages 1-205   

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The Implementation of Project-based Learning: A Study in Two Hong Kong Secondary English Classrooms

    Icy Lee

Project-based learning (PBL) has been receiving more and more attention in recent years. In the English classroom, however, PBL is often looked upon as a taxing and daunting task. This study investigates the implementation of PBL in two Hong Kong secondary English classrooms. Data was collected from students' diary entries, post-project reflections, post-study interviews, as well as pre- and post-questionnaires. The results showed that PBL was generally well received by students, and that it opened up valuable learning opportunities that integrated content knowledge and language development. Students felt that they had benefited a great deal from the opportunities provided for them to take greater control of their learning, though they also noted problems in collaboration with others. The paper ends with some recommendations that would help interested teachers to implement PBL in their own classroom.