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Volume 9 Number 3, Autumn 2012, Pages 1-187   

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Written Feedback and Oral Interaction: How Bimodal Peer Feedback Affects EFL Japanese Students

    Keiko Hirose

This classroom study examined the effects of written-plus-spoken peer feedback (PF) combined with teacher feedback in EFL writing instruction at a Japanese university. In two classes, students with no previous PF experience participated in the bimodal PF for half the class time regularly over 12 sessions. In pairs, they exchanged compositions with new partners and interacted by writing and speaking in English. Based on post-course questionnaire responses, this study investigated student perceptions of diverse aspects of the bimodal PF. Pre- and post-course English compositions were compared to examine the effects of the instruction on student writing ability. All compositions and written PF produced by the students were also examined quantitatively. The overall results showed that students had positive perceptions of the bimodal PF. Although the semester-long instruction did not appear to significantly improve students' writing ability and confidence in English writing, the results suggest that written-plus-spoken PF is a promising combination that helps to enhance students' motivation towards writing in English and to potentially improve their writing ability. Significant differences found between the two classes were also discussed.

Keywords: written-plus-spoken peer feedback, EFL writing instruction, peer feedback receiver/provider, student perceptions