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Volume 2 Number 2, Summer 2005, Pages 1-151   

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Boosting Students' Autonomy as well as Writing Accuracy and Fluency through Journal Writing

    Somchoen Honsa, Jr. & Pongrat Ratanapinyowong

This study focuses on students' journal writing with the attempt to promote students' autonomy in writing in English as well as their writing accuracy and fluency. About 115 students from four faculties participated in the research. Students were asked to keep their journals in a systematic way. Students were constantly given guidance as they continually worked through their own writing. They were encouraged to reflect on their writing by learning to correct their own mistakes. Furthermore, the students were motivated to set goals in order to improve their subsequent journal writing. Moreover, both fluency and accuracy were encouraged during the entire journal writing process. With the help of new technology and a little support from the teachers, these students emerge with their autonomy to write in English. This experience will also generate their life-long learning and writing in English as well as establishing positive attitude towards studying English on their own in the future.