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Volume 11 Number 3, Autumn 2014, Pages 1-156   

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English as a Medium of Instruction: Challenges for Vietnamese Tertiary Lecturers

    Nha T.T. Vu and Anne Burns

The development of English as a medium of instruction (EMI) is of great interest to language and language policy researchers in an era of globalization and internationalization. Despite recognition of a number of implementational problems and constraints, EMI has been widely introduced into various non-native English-speaking (NNES) countries. The question of what challenges face stakeholders in the implementation of EMI was our major focus in a two-year project that investigated a new EMI undergraduate program in Vietnam. Selected findings from the study's interview component reveal that lecturers were challenged by their own language abilities, students' language competence and learning styles, pedagogical issues, and resource availability. Based on these findings, suggestions are made for enhancing the success of similar programs.

Keywords: English as a Medium of Instruction, globalization, challenges, lecturers, Vietnam