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Volume 2 Number 3, Autumn 2005, Pages 1-149   

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Validating the Feasibility Study Framework of Streamline English Curriculum Innovation in China

    Jun Yang / Xiaoxiang Li

From its outset, Streamline English Curriculum Innovation (SECI) in China has suffered two weaknesses, that is, lack of feasibility study and neglect of the importance of management in ELT. The purpose of the research reported here was to remedy this situation. Through careful analyses of data obtained from on-site interviews and questionnaire in three primary schools, four middle schools, and three universities, a conceptual framework of feasibility study in the implementation of SECI was validated both qualitatively and quantitatively, and translated into a factor model, with a set of variables verified defining school-based innovation management. These variables, in accordance with our research hypothesis, can be extracted into five factors, which can be interpreted respectively as five mechanisms of school-based innovation management. These mechanisms affect the implementation of streamline innovation to varied degrees. In general, the research not only provides an empirically-based guidance to the implementation of a large-scale curriculum innovation like SECI in China, but also contributes to the field of language program evaluation.