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Volume 14 Number 1, Spring 2017, Pages 1-210 PDF Download

Two Affective Variables and Language Learners' Perceptions of Classroom Interaction

    Chaochang Wang

Second language acquisition theories highlight the fundamental role of social interaction in facilitating learners' efforts to gain competence in an L2, and consider learners' perceptions of classroom interaction and their affective states to be as important as teaching, in a way that encourages interaction. However, there is a dearth of research focused on learners' perceptions of interaction in the target language and the relationships between these perceptions and both communication motivation and communication apprehension in the language-learning classroom. The purpose of the present study, therefore, is to explore the relationship between learners' perceptions of classroom interaction and learners' communication motivation and communication apprehension. The participants consisted of 162 sophomore students majoring in applied English at a university in Taiwan. Data were collected via a questionnaire. The results showed significant correlations between the learners' perceptions of classroom interaction and three variables: English-language classroom communication apprehension, intrinsic motivation, and years of English learning. Further, a multiple regression analysis showed that intrinsic motivation contributed to the learners' positive perceptions of classroom interaction in regard to using the target language, whereas this was not the case for extrinsic motivation and communication apprehension. The study results have implications for both teaching and research.

Keywords: classroom interaction, learners' perceptions, communication apprehension, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation