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Volume 15 Number 2, Summer 2018, Pages 257-565 PDF Download

Effects of Video-based e-Learning on EFL Achievement: The Mediation Effect of Behavior Control Strategies

    Soo Eun Chae

The current study aimed to investigate whether video-based e-learning (i.e., the Educational Broadcasting Service (EBS)) influences the achievement of Korean high school students (years 2-3) in English as a foreign language (EFL) through the mediation of their use of behavior control strategies. The study used data from the 2010 and 2011 Korean Education Longitudinal Study of 2,309 students. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze whether the behavior control strategies mediated consistent use of EBS with high school students and whether video-based e-learning led to an increase or a decrease in the students' EFL achievement test scores. In general, consistent EBS use resulted in changes in the high school students' EFL achievement test results with the mediation of the behavior control strategies. However, a decrease model showed slightly better model-data fit than an increase model because in the decrease model the time management and resource use strategies had a significant negative relationship to decreases in the EFL test scores between year 2 and year 3. As a significant function of time management, EBS use seemed to work in preventing decreases in EFL achievement.

Keywords: e-learning, behavior control strategies, Educational Broadcasting Service, language development