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Volume 15 Number 3, Autumn 2018, Pages 566-899 PDF Download

From Reading Aloud to Peer Interaction: The Effect of Oral Reading on EFL Proficiency

    Ri Ju Chol & Marilyn Lewis

The present study considered the effects of oral reading on the English proficiency of EFL learners in the context of restricted real-life oral English communication. This case study was conducted in a university in Pyongyang, DPR of Korea. Over six months, EFL students were encouraged to read aloud task-related English materials before peer interactions and other speaking activities in the classroom. Audio materials were recommended as a model of correct and natural reading for oral reading practice. Sufficient oral reading practice proved to have prepared the learners to use the language easily and naturally in their follow-up peer interactions. Out of the classroom, daily oral reading practice was promoted, which provided learners with frequent oral exposure to a range of English texts. The participants appeared to be highly motivated and showed swift progress in oral performance. The findings imply that oral reading serves as an essential scaffold for peer interactions, increasing EFL learners' accuracy and fluency and boosting confidence in oral production.

Keywords: oral reading, peer interaction, fluency, accuracy, confidence