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Volume 16 Number 1, Spring 2019, Pages 1-447 PDF Download

Korean Elementary Pre-service Teachers' Experience of Learning and Using English and Attitudes towards World Englishes

    Kiwan Sung

This study investigates 135 Korean elementary preservice English teachers' (KEPETs) experience of learning and using English and their attitudes on World Englishes (WEes). They completed 52 7-Likert type items with 4 open-ended questions. The 10 KEPETs were also interviewed in a semi-structure manner. The ANOVA and independent t-tests of the survey data showed that the majority of these KEPETs predominantly learned and used American English and had limited experience in WEes. However, among the key findings of this study, the KEPETs in the survey appeared to fully understand the importance of exposing their learners to WEes and had willingness to teach them despite their lack of knowledge and skills on how to teach them. Similarly, the open-ended and interview data analyzed through either key word counts or the selection of recurring comments or issues revealed that several KEPETs were still entrenched in teaching only SE in class despite their positive attitude towards WEes and willingness to teach them in future. Accordingly, this paper calls for an immediate inclusion of WEes in elementary English teacher education given that raising young learners' awareness on WEes at an early stage can have a resounding impact on their attitudes towards WEes in future.

Keywords: World Englishes, preservice English teachers, language attitudes, teacher education