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Volume 16 Number 1, Spring 2019, Pages 1-447 |
Conceptualization of Second Language Writing Strategies and their Relation to Student Characteristics
Daniel R. Bailey
This study investigated second language (L2) writing strategies in which categories were chosen through deductive reasoning of strategies pertaining to planning, problem-solving, and corrective feedback. The relationships among strategy categories with self-reported L2 writing skill, writing anxiety and major were also identified. Items selected for inclusion into the questionnaire emanated from established L2 writing strategy research. A group of 127 English and 100 non-English majors participated in this questionnaire study. The three writing strategy categories were isolated through a combination of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to identify the association the three writing strategy categories have with L2 writing skill, anxiety and English/non-English majors. Results revealed that problem-solving strategies were most popular followed by planning strategies, while corrective feedback strategies were reported least. Self-perceived L2 writing skills had a positive association with each strategy category. SEM identified positive path coefficients from L2 writing anxiety to all three strategy categories when controlling for writing skill, suggesting moderate levels of L2 writing anxiety have a positive influence on strategy use. English majors had a greater propensity for planning strategies than non-English majors. Results driven pedagogical implications for administering L2 writing strategy training are given.
Keywords: L2 writing strategies, L2 writing anxiety, L2 writing, ESL, EFL, corrective feedback |