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Volume 16 Number 1, Spring 2019, Pages 1-447 PDF Download

Interlocutor and Familiarity Effects on L2 Learners' Use of Lexical LREs During Task-Based Interaction

    Jongbong Lee & Young-A Son

Numerous studies have examined the language-learning opportunities that arise when the design of tasks is such that successful resolution requires speakers to negotiate for meaning (e.g., Long, 2015). However, interlocutors often influence these learning opportunities. The present study examines the relationships between interlocutors (learner–NS or learner–learner dyads) and interlocutor familiarity in relation to the frequency of lexical language-related episodes (LREs). The data for the study, from the Giessen Long Beach Chaplin Corpus (GLBCC; Smith, Jucker, & Müller, 2001), included 71 transcribed interactions between native and non-native university-level English speakers with varying degrees of familiarity. Results indicated that the number of LREs between familiar and unfamiliar interlocutors was similar in all conditions. These findings indicate that there may be little influence of interlocutor—learner or NS, familiar or unfamiliar—on the frequency of LREs, which suggests that learners negotiate meaning in similar ways regardless of whom they interact with.

Keywords: Language Related Episodes, interaction, interlocutor- familiarity, native speaker status