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Volume 16 Number 2, Summer 2019, Pages 448-767 PDF Download

Audience Response Systems in a Korean Cultural Context: Poll Everywhere's Effects on Student Engagement in English Courses

    Aaron G. Jones

This study sought to examine the use of Poll Everywhere as an Audience Response System (ARS) within the English conversation classroom at a Korean university. The findings of this study addressed student engagement in English conversation courses and the relationship it has with Poll Everywhere. Over the course of two semesters, students were exposed to instruction laced with an ARS in the form of Poll Everywhere to stimulate English conversation. The students were then asked to respond to how it affected their motivation and desire to speak English in class. Students overwhelmingly noted that the use of Poll Everywhere in the classroom enhanced their learning experience, allowed them to be more enthusiastic, interested, and motivated to respond in English, and generally increased their engagement in English instruction. Furthermore, it was noted by the students that factors such as anonymousness, novelty of teaching style, and the ability to aid in the expression of English allowed for them to engage more in English lessons as they produced English language in a classroom setting. The results of the study hypothesized that Korean university students respond positively to Poll Everywhere integration that allowed for enhanced engagement in English conversation classes.

Keywords: interactive technology, English conversation, audience response system, student engagement, Korean university