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Volume 16 Number 4, Winter 2019, Pages 1069-1460 PDF Download

The CIPP Model: Applications in Language Program Evaluation

    Satja Sopha & Alexander Nanni

This article introduces the CIPP Model (Context, Input, Process, and Product) and explains its application in the evaluation of language programs. The model has long been used in various fields to evaluate programs both before they begin (e.g., by assessing the alignment of the contexts and input) and after they are complete (e.g., by evaluating how well the process has been implemented and whether the product is up to standard). The flexibility of the model is a major strength. In the field of language teaching, this model is highly relevant to curriculum development and can be applied at both the course level and the program level. This paper first introduces competing models of language program evaluation. It then introduces the CIPP Model and explains its applicability in the field of language education, providing suggestions for the application of the model. The CIPP Model has the potential to assist TESOL professionals — teachers and administrators — in improving their professional practice, curriculum design, and program evaluation. Educators in a variety of contexts would benefit from furthering their knowledge of this widely applied evaluation model.

Keywords: evaluation, CIPP Model, assessment