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Volume 17 Number 3, Autumn 2020, Pages 758-1157 |
Taiwanese English Majors' Acquisition of Technical Vocabulary in TESOL Profession
Chin-Wen Chien
This study explored the effects of the instructional strategies on technical vocabulary among 36 English majors in a TESOL course in a teacher education program in a university in northern Taiwan. The analysis of document, questionnaire, and participants' final writing projects revealed that participants regarded “the instructor's explanations and use of technical vocabulary” as the most useful instructional strategies. The instruction on technical vocabulary influenced the participants' vocabulary use, particularly in memory recall and their final writing projects. The most frequent technical vocabulary used in the final writing projects was related to participants' research topic interest. Suggestions on effective instruction in technical vocabulary are provided.
Keywords: English majors, instructional strategies, memory recall, technical vocabulary |