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Volume 17 Number 4, Winter 2020, Pages 1158-1546 PDF Download

Effects of Digital Writing Software as a Tool for Process Approach to Writing on Teacher Trainees' Academic Writing Performance

    Kee Li Li, Abu Bakar Razali, Arshad Abd Samad & Nooreen Noordin

Knowledge about academic writing is important to be promoted among the community in Institutes of Teacher Education Malaysia (ITEMs) as the teacher trainees will need to teach these academic writing skills to their students in the future. Additionally, the amalgamation of digital technologies and instructional practice is known to be able to ignite the change in the teacher trainees' learning of academic writing. As such, this study was conducted by adopting a single group quasi-experimental research design to investigate the effects of digital writing software as a tool for process approach to writing on teacher trainees' academic writing performance. The study was done on 10 teacher trainees at one ITEM using pre- and post-tests, observation, and reflective journal. Findings indicate that the use of digital writing software as a tool for process approach to writing does improve the teacher trainees' academic writing performance. The eclectic approach proposes an effective way of enhancing the writing process and increasing the teacher trainees' motivation to write digital conceptual papers. The use of digital writing software as a tool for process approach to writing can be carried out over an extended duration to develop better comprehension and practice of academic writing.

Keywords: academic writing, digital conceptual papers, digital writing software, process approach to writing, teacher trainees