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Volume 17 Number 4, Winter 2020, Pages 1158-1546 PDF Download

The Effects of Blended Learning on Thai University Students' Speaking Ability, Learning Motivation and Perceptions

    Piyapan Kantisa & Pragasit Sitthitikul

This study aims to investigate the effects of blended learning on Thai university students' speaking ability, students' learning motivation, as well as to explore students' and teachers' perceptions towards blended learning. Utilizing a mixed-methods embedded experimental research design, 56 students in the treatment group received blended learning instruction. Meanwhile, the other 46 students in the control group received traditional teaching instruction. In this study, the pre- and post-speaking tests and students' learning motivation questionnaires were used to collect the quantitative data. The qualitative data were retrieved from students' online reflection blogs and students' and teachers' semi-structured group interviews. Both descriptive and inferential statistical methods were then used to analyze the data. The research results revealed that blended learning instruction helped improve students' speaking ability. Furthermore, the results indicated that students' learning motivation was at a high level. Additionally, a great majority of both student and teacher participants had positive perceptions towards blended learning. The research results, therefore, conclusively proves that blended learning implementation is effective in improving students' speaking ability and in attaining a high level of students' learning motivation.

Keywords: blended learning, speaking ability, learning motivation, students' and teachers' perceptions