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Volume 18 Number 1, Spring 2021, Pages 1-389   

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Teachers' Perspectives on Motivational Challenges and Strategies in L2 Writing Classes at Higher Education Institutions in the UAE

    Amira El-Soussi

Despite the wealth of research on writing techniques as well as second language (L2) motivation, research on writing motivation and motivational strategies remain underexplored (Bruning & Horn, 2000; Lee et al., 2018). Even the limited research on writing motivation focuses on exploring students' views, paying little attention to teachers' perspectives. To fill this important gap, this study investigates how teachers perceive their students' writing motivation and the strategies they employ to enhance this motivation. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect qualitative data from four English writing instructors at three private universities in the UAE. Findings show that most students experience low levels of writing motivation. Instructors report encountering several student motivational challenges related to student intrinsic motivation, cost of writing, value of writing, and self-efficacy and expectancy. To address these motivational issues, the instructors ensure providing a pleasant and supportive atmosphere, stimulating and enjoyable writing, effective teaching strategies, autonomous learning and constructive feedback. More L2 motivation research should be done in writing contexts, considering teachers' experiences in dealing with the complexities they encounter in their classrooms. Teachers' perspectives and practices will provide a broader picture of learner motivation, indicate where support is needed, and become the base for new professional development experiences.

Keywords: L2 motivation, writing motivation, motivational challenges, motivational strategies, teachers' perspectives