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Volume 18 Number 2, Summer 2021, Pages 390-744   

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Effect of PCaRD DGB Flipped Learning on EFL Learners' Grammar Skill

    Hanieh Shafiee Rad

This research examines the employing of a Play Curricular Activity Reflection Discussion (PCaRD) and Digital Game-based (DGB) through flipped learning on the EFL learners' grammar skills to improve their achievement and attitudes. The participants were 66 EFL female intermediate students in Iran; the research was conducted over 10 weeks. A PCaRD DGB flipped learning was used for the experimental group (N = 33), and a standard flipped classroom was used for the control group (N = 33). Both groups constructed using the same teacher, time, coursebook, and videos. The PCaRD DGB flipped learning provided mobile-based game apps and a game-based feedback mechanism in the form of collaborative response and created a setting in which learners could engage in more grammar activity, pay more attention to their answers, and improving their grammar skills. The results indicated that the PCaRD DGB flipped learning outperformed the standard flipped learning in grammar achievement and in terms of their positive attitudes. The researcher speculates that the PCaRD DGB flipped learning strengthens EFL learners' grammar skills and a positive attitude.

Keywords: flipped learning, gamified flipped language learning, PCaRD, grammar skills, DGB learning