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Volume 18 Number 3, Autumn 2021, Pages 745-1070 PDF Download

Iranian University Students' Belief Changes about Reading Comprehension through Cooperative Learning

    Mona Mohsenishad & Zohre Mohamadi Zenouzagh

This study draws on the approach of action research to look into changes in Iranian university students' beliefs about reading comprehension while teaching reading comprehension through cooperative learning in a university reading course. Previous research has relied much on quantitative approaches and considered students' beliefs to be reasonably static entities; however, the present study adopted a qualitative approach examining eight students' belief changes about reading comprehension. Data were collected through diaries and analyzed using NVIVO Software. Results revealed that students' initial emphasis on vocabulary and grammar in reading comprehension changed during the study period as a result of the cooperative learning strategies taught in the course. Such results indicate that belief changes were affected mainly by the learning environment wherein students interact with others, particularly their instructor who often plays a mediating role.

Keywords: belief change, reading comprehension, sociocultural theory, students' beliefs