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Volume 18 Number 4, Winter 2021, Pages 1071-1525 PDF Download

An Experiment on Mobile Learning to Leverage EFL Learners' Engagement, Emotional Intelligence, and Learning Motivation

    David Imamyartha, Eka Wahjuningsih, Areta Puspa, Mutiara Bilqis & Rizki Febri Andika Hudori

Research has acknowledged Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) as one efficacious method for leveraging language proficiency across skills and components, leaving the investigation on language learners' motivation and emotional intelligence of peripheral focus, albeit being essential drives for academic success. This study seeks to fill the gaping void by investigating the impact of team-based mobile learning (TBML) as an instructional framework to leverage EFL learners' online learning engagement (OLE), trait emotional intelligence (TEI), and EFL learning motivation. This instructional framework involves a mobile instant messenger (MIM), Telegram, to support collaborative learning both within and beyond class hours. Employing a quasi-experimental approach, the study involved 475 undergraduate students at an Indonesian state university across majors, including nursing, management, science education, and non-formal education, with ages ranging from 18 to 22 years. The findings corroborate significant increment in the abovementioned dimensions resulting from TBML, as opposed to the unworthy increase associated with computer-based LMS. Moderate positive correlations also exist among three pertinent variables. Implications suggest how TBML accords English learners with the authentic learning community armed with myriads discourse resources to empower their multidimensional engagement in meaningful literacy practices.

Keywords: EFL learning motivation, MIM, online learning engagement, TBML, TEI